Final Fantasy Ix Gameshark

Trance can be very tricky to obtain. The only way to achieve it is to be attacked by an enemy, allies don't count. Each character has their own Trance skills and will gain new skills as they progress throughout the game by learning abilities from equipment to as far as eating the enemy. Take Zidane for instance. Zidane's Dyne Skills all do Physical damage to either one or all of your enemies and are very strong.

He learns new Dyne Skills by getting new weapons and mastering their abilities. Once an ability is mastered Zidane will learn a new trance move. And as for eating the enemy, that's only for Quina, that's how she learns her Blue Magic spells, by eating different monsters. The 'Bug Fairy' cheat code listed here at cheatcodes is actually a Friendly 'Ladybird, ' part of the series of Friendlies. There about 9 of them, she comes after The Mu near 1st Qu's Marsh and the Ghost outside Treno. Each asks you for a jewel, like an Ore at first, then gives you a jewel for the next Friendly whom they name.


Like 'say hi to Ladybird for me. ' If you miss one, the next in the series will not appear (which was the problem the above author had. ) That is, until you do finally meet the missing Friendly and give them their requested jewel/s. Grand Dragons, found initially by climbing up the vine from the Moogle save in Gizamaluke's Grotto, provide the best leveling up in the entire game. 8, 800 EXP per each in 4 person party. They are best from the moment you can beat them to the end of the game (better than Epitaphs even.

Credits: Jackel, Code Master, KingEdgar0, Barubary, bongsan, Dark Forsaken, Hacken,,, TruWizdom, DarkSerge, CzarDragon. Final Fantasy IX is my least favorite game in the entire Final Fantasy series. In saying that, I do not mean to imply that it is a bad game, but it certainly has more flaws and problems than any of its predecessors and these flaws and problems were much more difficult to ignore.

) The 1st time I can beat them is right before going to Fossil Roo, the part where you are to ask Quale in Qu's Marsh if he knows where Fossil Roo is. Instead, head over to G's Grotto and climb the vine back by the moogle (later in the game there are other ways to get there, of course. ) Run thru the woods up there (the Garuda's cast Stop and there's no way to prevent that yet. ) The Dragons, and no other enemies, appear in the grassy area (it's called Popo Hts )To prepare, you'll need all chars. Equipped with Auto-Reflect. Get the Reflect Ring from Treno's Auction house when Garnet & Steiner are 1st there, it'll go for about 15, 000 gil. (unlike Pearl Rouge and Madain's rings you can only find one auctioned.

) Have everyone; Garnet, Zidane, Vivi and Quina in ur 1st party, learn Auto-Reflect from it. Equip the best Def.

Gameshark Final Fantasy 7

Armor etc you have, and don't forget to equip Level-Up and Ability-Up for everyone who has them.In the fight, have Vivi cast Bio, or his strongest spell you have, against the party so it reflects off them and hits for 4 times the normal damage. That and the Dragon's own Thundaga spell, which oddly bounces back and damages the dragon, will do him in quickly. 4 or 5 turns usually. Revive people if you want, but it's easier to spend that time once u've gained a few levels. If all 4 survive they get just over 8, 800 EXP pts.

Final Fantasy 9 Gameshark Codes Item Modifier

Each.I started at level 25 or so, and literally leveled up 1 or 2 levels after each fight. I kept going for about 3 hours and everyone was at level 58. Quina's Limit Glove is fun play with when you get the chance, but it only works when his HP is 1, and u'll get the chance randomly here when you revive him/her with Phoenix Downs. I spent time going back catching frogs, so I had like 45 or so and Frog Drop hit for more than Zidane's best attack. Later in the game, you can toy with Auto-Life and Level 5 death (Dragons are lev 60.

) Note, you COULD equip Coral Rings instead of auto-reflect, but altho u'll absorb the Dragon's Thunderaga, you won't be able to reflect Vivi's spells off ur party to increase the damage, and also the dragon's Thunder won't be hurting himself. IE, the fight'll take MUCH longer. His claw attacks will kill low level characters in one swipe, so be careful if you choose that battle plan.Be sure to save before climbing the vine up there to them, those Garuda could be game-ending.

I made another save up there past the woods. The 1st fights are tuff, but you'll level up so fast u'll soon forget that and start having lots of fun.BTW, an oft forgotten trick: any character who is 'Defending' as their action in the fight will STOP defending if you set them to Defend again in their next turn. That is, they become vulnerable for almost an entire turn before they again return to the Defend stance. The point is, instead of taking 1/2 damage during that time, they'll take the full 100%! So, do NOT reselect Defend! Once they are defending already, just skip them with the triangle button (or have them do it RIGHT AFTER the dragon's turn. ) That way they'll never have that vulnerable time.

A BIG difference fighting the Grand Dragons, as well as others in the game. If you have an auto-fire controller for ur PSX/PS2/PS3, you can auto-level Steiner in the only area in FF IX where there are infinite re-spawning enemies.

Early in the game, Steiner and Garnet visit Treno. Give the Stellazio Queen the 1st 4 coins (you can have 5 at this point)and obtain Steiner's Blood Sword. This weapon transfers damage to enemies to Steiner's health. Infinite healing. Then, after Steiner and Marcus escape from the swinging cage in Alexandria, run to the left, but stop before the ladder you are to climb. Equip Steiner with the Blood Sword, turn on auto-fire (or tape your X button down if that works), leave your game running, come back in a few hours and he's leveled up incredibly. 20 hours took him over level 64, but half of that I'd given the Blood Sword to Marcus to keep him alive while Steiner used auto-potion on himself.

The soldiers frop enough potions & hi-potions that he never died either. Marcus's stats (not his level, just some stats) transfer to Eiko later in Disc two when you get to CondePetie. Are you tired of training in Memoria? If so Ihave the perfect place to train where there areeasy monsters to kill but give 50000 EXP with 1person, 43000 2 people, 36000 3 people, 31000full party of 4. There is an island southof 'Treno' called 'Suma Archipelago'.

It is onlypossible to get there with an air chocobo or anairship. There are only 3 monsters on thatisland.

Some of the possible battles couldbe 'Mistodin x1', 'Mistodin x2', 'Marlboro',and 'Ironite'. Mistodons and a Marlboro give youthe same amount of EXP. But Ironite's give youless than 600 EXP.

But you barely ever run intoIronites. First of all, if you have fought Necronbefore, you know that he can dish out a lot ofspell that will keep you dizzy for the rest ofthe battle. Your party should consist of Zidane,Dagger, Vivi, and the Flaming Amarant. Equip themwith bright eyes, jelly, insomniac,etc.

Make surethat you have a couple of Gyashi Greens to dispelberserk. It can really take a toll on you if yourown teamates attack you(especially Amarant).Now Ihave figured out the perfect way to kill Necron.It's very simple when you think about it. Whenyou fight Trance Kuja make sure that he hitsZidane enough times to raise his trancelevel.Then kill Kuja.(To some people this won'tbe an easy task).When you get to Necron, keepZidane alive and let him get hit until he gets inhis Trance. Once he does, use Grand Lethal aboutfour times. Keep throwing Wing Edge with Amarant.And you should be O.K.Make sure that you use yourstrongest summon with Dagger and Firaga orDoomsday(if you can afford it)with Vivi.Withthis, you should be able to beat him.

On the Outer Continent, if you run around youwill find a Jabberwock. Give it an emerald. Hewill give you 40 AP and a moonstone.

Take themoonstone to the snow continent behind Mt. Gulugon the far left side of the continent. Give itto the good feather circle. It will give you 30AP and a lapis lazuli. Take the lapis l. ToPopos Heights on the Mist Continent, it islocated on top of the Gizamalukes Grotto exit onthe Burmecia side. Go to the forest areafarthest left.

When a good Garuda appears, giveit the lapis l. And you get 40 AP and a diamond. Trance KujaHP: 42,382AP: 0Weak vs.: NoneSteal Items: Rebirth Ring, White Robe, EtherSpoils: NoneBoss Preparations: equip Freya with Kain's Lance and the High Jump ability use Steiner if he has the Ragnarok equip Auto-Life, Auto-Reflect, Counter, and High TideBattle Tactics: use Eiko to cast Carbuncle to protect your party use Quina's White Wind ability to heal your party use your party's stongest attacks (duh)HINT: after facing the previous boss, Deathguise, you have the opportunity to leave and returnto face Trance Kuja and Necron (which by the way has no break in between!). Don't be stupid!Go to the previous room and save your game before heading out to the final boss fights.If you need additional strategy for defeating Trance Kuja, go to (register if youhave not) and type in the keyword: TRNCKUJ1NecronThe final boss awaits!


Equipping Jelly, Antibody, Clear-headed, and Loudmouth will helpprevent the slew of status effects that Necron is capable of inducing all at once. You must figure out ways to quickly cure the Mini status as well. At the beginning of Disc 4, form a party that has Dagger in it. Visit Lani who is standing onEiko's back porch (in Madian Sari). Upon arriving, Lani will run away. Exit the village. Return withanyone but Dagger or Amarant.

Talk to Lani twice. Read the message and then go to theEidolion Wall. THIS PART IS VERY IMPORTANT AND MUST BE FOLLOWED VERYCAREFULLY! Walk clockwise from the entrance (heading to the right) until you return to theentrance. Move just past the '!' Until you hear a chime. Then walk counterclockwise back to theentrance, just past the '!'

Repeat this nine times. Make sure you hear a chime eachtime. On the ninth round, your HP/MP will be recovered and all status abnormalities removed.Now read the paintings on the Wall. This may be done in any order, as long as you read themall.

A whole slew of messages will appear at this time. At the end, return to the Ifrit drawing forDagger's true name!!!!! You can reach Mognet Central with Reef Choco on Disc 3.

Go to the uppermost islandon the top right continent (this is where Mognet Central is located). On the east side ofthe island, find the crack in the mountain. Feed Choco a Dead Pepper to open thecrack.

Leave Mognet after the Moogle that you speak to inside confesses to somethingthat he has done. He will send you off in search of an item needed to get MognetCentral up and running. Go to Alexandria and speak to Kupo at the bell tower. This willstart a chain of letters that MUST be delivered.

(Hint: each time you receive a KupoNut, feed it to the family at Gizamaluke's Grotto). Deliver the next letter to Atla, who isin Burmecia. The next letter will go to Mogryo, who is standing outside the ChocoboFarm in the Black Mage Village. Return to Ispen's Castle to deliver a letter to Kumool.Then, take Quina along to Fossil Roo and deliver the next letter to Mois.

Go toDaguerro to deliver to Noggy. Finally, go back to Alexandria to deliver the last letter toKupo. When the moogle reads the letter, he will tell you that someone in Alexandriahas the item that you need. Talk to Ruby at the theatre and she will give youSuperslick.

Give it to the moogle at Mognet Central to receive the Protect Ring. I hopethis information helps you on your quest! Dead Pepper Treasure LocationsNO. This may seem kinda stupid but its actually the coolest, smartest, and most certainly the fastest way to gain an outrageous amount of experience points. However it requires a great deal of skill.

Most people that know the basics of this game can probably aquire this. First things first. This can only be done late in the game in Memoria.

After reaching level 65 or so, make sure you have the auto-life and the level-up abilities for most of the chosen characters for your party. After a while you won't need it. Then kill off 3 out of 4 of the characters in your party. Make sure that 1 character has auto-life or you wont survive long. Also make sure you work with a non-magical character before any other! Then go to the Memoria entrance and start fighting the Iron Man and the Chimera.

If you defeat either one of these beasts with one character you will recieve roughly around 64000 exp! At this incredible rate, you can reach level 99 in about 2 hours, normally taking quadruple that amount of time!

10k = 10,000 100 = 100 gilsItem GilRequired Items-Robe of lords 30k white robe,black robeTin armor 50k hammer,oreProtect ring 40k d. Matter,rebirth ringPumice 50k 2 pumice piecesGarnet 350 ore,remedyAmethyst 200 ore,annoymentPeridot 100 ore,softsapphire 200 ore,antidoteOpal 100 ore,potionTopaz 100 ore,eye dropsLapis lazuli 400 ore,dead pepperPumice piece 25k hammer,pumiceSave the Queen 50k javelin,silver glovesPhoenix pinion 300 phoenix down,gysahl greensEther 500 echo screen,vaccine. If you want to battle the strongest enemy in the game, go ahead. First you need to complete two side-quests. You need a gold chocobo.

To get a gold chocobo you need to find all the chocographs by diging with a chocobo. You will find treasures by diging and hope that you find a chocograph. This isn't a very hard side-quest.

It will take a little while to complete. The next thing you have to do is find some friendly creatures, like Mu and Ghost. This can also take a while because the creatures are all around the world. Know fly around on your gold chocobo until you find a platue with a dark marking in the middle.

Hover over it and feed your chocobo a seed. The chocobo will shoot up and you will be in chocobo air station. Their will be two islandsand one will have a moogle on it. I would save and rest up. Now you go to the other island and you will find a rock. Click x and the moogle will come up to you and tell you that it feels a strange presence in the rock.

This is your last chance to back out before the battle. I should be at level 99 with a ton of HP. And make sure that your Magic Defense is as high as you can get it. And at least have a good idea of how to beat Ozma. For he is the most powerful monster in the game. There is only two occasions during the game whenyou can receive the Namingway card. One time isduring the 3rd disk at the Treno card tournament.There will be a ATE(Active Time Event)called 'Hippo's Prize' where one of thecontestants receives a Namingway card.

When youplay him in the tournament you have to win itfrom him. The only other way is when you returnto Kuja's palace beside the bookcase is atreasure chest with the card in it. This is oneof the rarest cards in the game and you can onlyget it twice. Once you get the card, go and visitDaugauro and a man will rename any of your people. If you find the Ragtime Mouse (it resides in wooded areas) and properly answer its questions, you can earn some extra Gil. Answer by choosing either 'True' or 'False'.

The mouse will then give you Gil in return for each correct answer, as well as keep track of your percentages. Some locations the Ragtime Mouse have been known to inhabit include Gunitas Basin, Lindblum Plateau, Bentini Heights, Lucid Plains, Pualei Plains, and Alexandria Plateau. The rewards for correct answers in a row are:Question 1: 1,000 GilQuestion 2: 1,000 GilQuestion 3: 1,000 GilQuestion 4: 2,000 GilQuestion 5: 2,000 GilQuestion 6: 3,000 GilQuestion 7: 3,000 GilQuestion 8: 4,000 GilQuestion 9: 4,000 GilQuestions 10: 5,000 GilSome questions the Ragtime Mouse have been known to ask include:The 15th Lindblum War started in 1600?

(False)Chocobo Forest is located between Lindblum and South Gate? (False)The Theather Ship Prima Vista was built in Artania Shipyards?

(False)'I Want to Be Your Canary' was written by Lord Afon? (False)Lindblum Castle is larger than Alexandria Castle? (True)Lindblum's air cabs operate around the clock? (True)Some Mus are friendly and don't attack?

(True)Berkmea Cable Cars have been running for eight years? Game of thrones online. (True)Fossil Roo is a tunnel that connects Treno and Alexandria? (False)Theater Ship Prima Vista uses Mist as its source of energy?

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