Sports Psychology In Archery

Roberto Manfredini, Br J Sports Med 1998;32:101-106Rapid air travel across several time zones exposes the traveller to a shift in his/her internal biological clock. The result is a transient desynchronisation of the circadian rhythm, called jet lag, lasting until the rhythm is rephased to the new environmental conditions. The most commonly experienced symptoms are sleep disorders, difficulties with concentrating, irritability, depression, fatigue, disorientation, loss of appetite, and gastrointestinal disturbance.

Sports psychology is a discipline in which psychology is applied to sport. An applied sports psychologist aims to work with athletes or teams to enhance their psychological approach. Often these interventions are directed towards enhancing performance although sometimes a sport psychologist is called upon to deal with other issues (e.g.

Apart from the decrements in mental and physical performance directly consequent on such symptoms, competitive athletes are also exposed to the additional negative consequences of a shift from the optimal circadian window of performance. A brief summary of the possible negative effects of jet lag on athletic performance and potentially alleviating strategies is given.

Sarah A, Curran, Prosthet Orthot IntSeptember 2012vol. 3380-395A biomechanical analysis of sports performance provides an objectivemethod of determining performance of a particular sportingtechnique. In particular, it aims to add to theunderstanding of the mechanisms influencing performance,characterizationof athletes and provide insights into injurypredisposition. While the performance in sport of able-bodied athletesis wellrecognized in the literature, less information andunderstanding are known on the complexity, constraints and demandsplacedon the body of an individual with a disability.This article provides a dialogue that outlines scientific issues of theperformanceanalysis of multi-level athletes with a disability,including Paralympians.

Four integrated themes are explored, the firstof which focuses on how biomechanics can contributeto the understanding of sports performance in athletes with adisabilityand how it may be used as an evidence-based tool.This latter point questions the potential for a possible cultural shiftled by the emergence of user-friendly instruments.The second theme briefly discusses the role of reliability of sportsperformanceand addresses the debate of two-dimensional andthree-dimensional analyses. The third theme addresses key biomechanicalparametersand provides guidance to clinicians and coaches onthe approaches adopted using the biomechanical/sports performanceanalysisfor an athlete with a disability starting out, tothe emerging and elite Paralympian. For completeness of this discourse,the final theme is based on the controversialissues on the role of assisted devices, and the inclusion ofParalympians intoable-bodied sport.

Adashevskiy V.M. Et al: Fiziceskoe Vospitanie Studentov J. 2012 v3The aim is to build rational parameters of technical actions ofsportsman in shooting from a bow. It is worked out and decidedmathematical model and the task of dynamics. Influence on having aspecial purpose exactness of corners of flight of arrow with an accountand without the account of force of resistance of air environment iscertain. It is distinguished the basic technical run-time errors ofsportsman exercises. It is set that for successful realization ofdescriptions of target exactness and minimum values of deviations froman aim on different distances of shooting, sportsman must provide:maintenance of scene and rational pose, implementation of rationaltechnical actions.

Sports Psychology In Archery Schools

It is shown directions of choice of necessarybiomechanics descriptions that a sportsman can realize for providingtarget exactness and minimum values of deviations from aim on differentdistances of shooting. Antonov Sergej Vasil'evich et al; Pedagogics, Psychology, Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports J. 2011 v9In the article the study options adversarial exercise of archery with theabnormal conditions of a control to determine the specific training ofathletes. It is found no differences between the absolute values of theresults of the exercise of options sitting on a chair and standing onthe platform and their difference from the values in the exercise witheyes closed. To set available of correlation relationships of varyingstrength between the results of the exercise of options sitting on achair, standing on the platform with eyes closed, indicators of tensionbow, qualifications and gender athletes. Kim, Han-Byul et al, Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research:May 2015 Volume 29 ssue 5 p 1211-1219The relative importance of performance factors in Korean archery.

J Strength Cond Res 29(5): 1211–1219, 2015—This study explored the factors affecting archery performance by calculating their relative importance in Korean archery. This study used the Delphi technique and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). After reviewing the literature and collecting data on performance factors in archery, the importance of factors affecting archery performance was calculated by holding meetings with experts (20 archery experts) and conducting confirmatory factor analysis (463 archers) and the AHP (36 archery experts). Performance factors were divided into mental, skill, and fitness categories. Stirling, International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching Volume 8, Number 4 December 2013The purpose of this study was to explore coaches' reflections on their previous use of emotionally abusive practices in the coach-athlete relationship.

Participants included seven male and two female coaches who were coaching at the national or international level within Canada. Indepth semi-structured interviews were conducted with each participant, and data were coded using inductive coding techniques. From the raw data, a number of main themes emerged including: descriptions of emotional abuse, perceived reasons for using emotionally abusive coaching behaviours, the benevolence of the coach, and perceived reasons for change in coaching behaviour. Findings are interpreted to suggest two distinct origins of emotional abuse. Additionally, based on the coaches' reflections on perceived reasons for why they no longer use emotionally abusive practices, determinants of change in coach behaviour are proposed.

Applied and theoretical recommendations are discussed. Van der Mars, Hans; Darst, Paul; Sariscsany, Mary J. Journal of Sport Behavior, Vol 14(2), Jun 1991, 103-112.Audiotaped the interaction between 12 elite archers (aged 16–33 yrs) and12 experienced coaches in one-on-one practice sessions. Variablesstudied focused on how time was spent by archers, their practiceengagement patterns, and verbal performance skill-related feedbackpatterns by coaches. Results show coaches provided predominatelypositive feedback, almost half of which was specific in nature. Archersspent 45% of their practice time retrieving arrows and attempted shotsat a rate of 2.2 per min.

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Negative correlations were found between thearchers' shot rates and the percentage of shots immediately followed byfeedback. Most of the feedback occurred while both coach and archer wereat the shooting line.

Sports Psychology In Archery Club

This pattern is explained in part by theattention given to stress management and imagery during arrow retrievalepisodes. Mazanov et al, Scandinavian J.

Of Medicine and Science in Sports, May 2013Athlete support personnel (ASP) failing to meet responsibilities underthe World Anti-Doping Code risk sanction. It is unclear whether the poorknowledge of responsibilities seen in sports physicians and coachesapplies to other ASP (e.g., administrators, chiropractors, family,nutritionists, physiotherapists, psychologists, and trainers). Apurposive sample of Australian ASP ( n = 292) responded to asurvey on knowledge of anti-doping rules (35 true/false questions),ethical beliefs and practice, and attitudes toward performanceenhancement. Some ASP declined to participate, claiming doping wasirrelevant to their practice.

Physicians were most knowledgeable(30.8/35), with family and trainers the least (26.0/35). ASP reportedthat improvements were needed to support anti-doping education (e.g.,basis for anti-doping) and practice (e.g., rules).

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ASP also had aslightly negative attitude toward performance enhancement. Hung Tsung-Ming et al, International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Vol. 6, No., Sept. 2008Taiwan organized a sport science team that included a sport psychologyteam for its archery team in preparation for the 2004 Athens OlympicGames. For approximately one and a half years prior to the 2004 OlympicGames, the sports psychology team cooperated with the coaches.

Alternative Sports Archery

Withinthis time period, the Taiwan archers achieved significant improvement inperformance. This accomplishment was particularly impressiveconsidering both the inexperience of the team and its modest level ofperformance in the past. This report intends to provide a personalaccount of how sport psychology was applied to enhance the archers'performance. Vishnu Karmaker et alStephen M. Weiss et al, Journal of Sport Psychology in Action3(3) 2012Several variables have been investigated in an attempt to find a remedyfor what's been dubbed “Steve Blass Disease” or the sudden loss ofability of baseball players to throw accurately. It's also been referredto as the “yips” in golf and as “choking under pressure.” Examples ofseveral high-profile athletes are used to illustrate this phenomenon.The findings of academic research studies relating to focus of attentionand reinvestment of conscious processing reveal several interactingfactors.

These have been largely overlooked and likely can be used bypractitioners in helping athletes to overcome slumps and to regainoptimal performance levels. A male student with dwarfism approached the Department of Physical Education atthe University of Dayton (Ohio) about taking an archery class. This request presented some particular challenges; two departments, Technology and Physical Education, collaborated to solve the problems.

The student, 53 in. Tall and in his early twenties, had achondroplasia, the form of dwarfism in which complete extension of the arms, characterized by restriction of the angle at the elbows, is not possible. This restriction, along with his height, led to the following design and teaching considerations. Christine Nash, J Sports Sciences DOI:10.104.2012.682079Research into expertise is increasing across a number of domainspertinent to sport. Whilst this increase is particularly apparent incoaching, a key question is how to identify an expert coach?Accordingly, this paper draws upon existing studies into expert coachesto address this issue; in particular, the criteria used to select expertcoaches for research purposes and the methods used in expert coachresearch. Based on these data, we contend that the elements of expertiseare not fully reflected within currently accepted criteria which, inturn, results in expert coaching research not necessarily identifyingthe appropriate individuals to study.

The paper concludes withrecommendations for more rigorous criteria for selecting expert coachesand highlights the associated implications for the future training anddevelopment of expert coaches.P. The first peer-reviewed journal devoted to research on the role ofimagery in sport, physical activity, exercise, and rehabilitationsettings.

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