Dong Dong Never Die Move List

  1. Dong Dong Never Die Move List

A product of an enthusiastic but rather handicapped era for Chinese game developers, Dong Dong Never Die shamelessly lifts plots, characters, and everything else from all sections of pop culture and blends them into a ridiculous, hilarious, unbalanced, and surprisingly fun fighting game. Download Dong Dong Never Die Final. The craziest Chinese battles in history. Dong Dong Never Die is a 2D fighting game featuring the most rare fighters we have ever seen. We can find a lolita, a Chinese with Afro hair, a prayer and even Super Mario. Each character features different styles and own kicks. Oct 09, 2015  DONG DONG is the culmination of this: Made on a shoestring budget of 'Take pictures of your friends to build character animations' dollars, with a story that lifts freely from Terminator, Michael Jackson, Chinese history, Nintendo games, and pretty much everything that China loves but isn't allowed to have, DONG DONG NEVER DIE is the direct.

Weird and Bizarre Games? Don’t worry, we got you.Just over a month ago we brought you our list of the. In the mix was a game that put you in the role of a talking fish with a human face and another game made you Michael Jackson himself. Well, we were only scraping the surface. Here’ s a few more games that’ll have you saying WTF?!One thing I love about Asian game developers is their ability to boldly go where no one else has gone before or even imagined, delivering some mind melting games that will shock as much as make you laugh. Prepare yourself because the following games will make your brain hurt.Dong Dong Never Die (PC)Okay, so imagine if Street Fighter and every WTF video from Asia you’ve ever seen had a child.

You’d be left with our first bizarre game on the list, Dong Dong Never Die — a fighting game featuring characters you probably wouldn’t find in a typical fighting game. I’m talking about a nurse, an old business man, a man wearing a life saver. This is one of those games you have to watch to understand, and i’m sure even after you watch it you still won’t understand.Octodad (All Platforms)This is every bit of a horror story then a game — I mean, imagine you grew up with your dad only to find out he’s an undercover octopus. Octodad is about an octopus disguised as a father who tries to complete mundane tasks to keep his cover from being blown.

This is very similar to I Am Bread which made the first list, you control each limb individually and use the physics of the game to overcome obstacles — it’s so satisfying to watch your lanky, gelatinous body flop all over the place as you try to cook burgers for your “wife” or put groceries in a shopping cart. This game is a blast, just don’t let your family find out the truth, they would probably need therapy after.Hatoful Boyfriend (PC, PS4, Vita)If you were the last human on Earth and to save your species you had to knock feathers with a bird, would you do it? Welcome to the premise of, a dating sim about a human girl attending a school full of eligible pigeons — it’s like The Bachelorette but with a lot more white droppings on your car windshield.The whole bestiality part aside, the main source of weirdness comes from the story — you control a human girl in a pigeon school where you foster relationships with your fellow winged classmates, going beyond the school you discover humanity was completely replaced by talking pigeons and the only way to save mankind is towell, I’m not going into details here. All I can say for sure bizarre games candidate? You damn finish off the list.

The term guilty pleasure comes around quite easily in many other mediums of entertainment. We all know about certain books and films people love to have to simply get a chuckle here and there. Tommy Wiseau’s The Room and E.L James’ Fifty Shades of Grey easily show that.

Entertainment can be enjoyed for many reasons even if the product can be considered not good-by the viewer. Video games have a hard time with this factor at times. There are clearly some universal agreed opinions about guilty pleasures in video gaming, but it is hard for a game to do that. This is because video games have more sense of control and well if you have a bad sense of control and things do not even work, it just comes across as a bad video game.

Ride to Hell Retribution is a bad video game with no doubt in my mind and I can even say it is not a guilty pleasure. Sure, the cut scenes are extremely funny with some of the worst sex scenes in all of entertainment, but the game is so barren. The combat sucks to a high extreme where it has problems working and it is extremely repetitive. Even the driving in this game has so many bugs and glitches that you can just randomly blow up! There is a point where a video game can just become unplayable and it is so hard to hit that guilty pleasure spot at times. It is truly magical when a game can be poor in certain categories, but they can actually achieve some amazing things at times.

A good example of this would be the original Nier, there are many flaws to this game, but the story telling being so well implemented to the actual game comes off so original and then later on we see how that can be amplified with Nier Automata. So, I can say the original Nier is a good game and not a guilty pleasure. So, a guilty pleasure has to be in the middle of this range. At one end we have something completely unplayable and then at the other end is an alright game with strong ambition and ideas.10. Megaman X7I love me some Megaman games.

What is a dong

If you ask me my favorite series, that would be the Zero series. The only reason being is that the Zero series was shorter than the X series and knew what it needed to do. The X series continued for a bit longer than planned which we soon get to the move to 3D. X7 has many bad things going for it, the terrible camera views and some unbearable boss fights. Now the idea itself was ambitious for sure trying to take another Megaman franchise to 3D. This is not like the Legend series at all, this was taking the X formula into 3D. It was a hard hurdle to pass and I can what good they tried to do.

Capcom did actually try with this title and did not just cancel it like future Megaman titles would experience. What makes this game enjoyable though has to be the bad Megaman voice acting and how aggressive it is in this game.

We all know about “Burn to the ground!” Then to be honest I do not hate Axl, I know many like to make him the butt of many jokes, but I actually enjoy this character. His dual gun style is a cool concept and his powers were nice.

It just sucks that his redemption comes in the RPG that many ignore and just focus on X7 for this character, hell even X8 makes things better for Axl. Overall, X7 is easily the worst Megaman game in general, but man it can be quite amusing at times.9. Soul Calibur 5I love fighting games and one of the early ones I played the most had to be Soul Calibur 2.

The second game is known to be one of the best fighting games in general. I also do enjoy the third game as well, but man four and five just drop the ball on this franchise. The fourth game simply made bad decisions in terms of changing characters and adding some interesting quest characters, Yoda being able to just dodge attacks without trying Soul Calibur 5 is a bit better than 4 in my opinion, but either way both these games are not all that good. SC5 had a poor use of meter to where it was a bit confusing to even how to use them at first. What makes me like the fifth title a bit more too is that horrible story. It adds so many new characters that are just pointless and the two main characters are so terrible, at least Patroklos actually becomes a cool fighter (not a good character, but a good fighter). I do enjoy some of the new additions in the roster too, but the really bad ones do stand out.

Still that story mode is unbearable to what Soul Calibur is. I loved how the second and third game had those big adventure like stories. I even enjoy the arcade modes and how they were presented, they got good character interactions done quickly. SC5 is slow and badly written and man it gets funny. My favorite part is how Patroklos does not know who Tira, even though he always talks about the girl with the ring blade! Then there is Pyrrha who even in battle is just a shame of a character and I know beating people with her just makes the blood boil.

One of her throws is just falling on someone on accident! There is also the amazing custom characters you can create as Namco has been keeping this going even in Tekken now. Soul Calbiur went with completely character a character from scratch and the detailing is amazing at times.

I am so happy there is going to be a legit sixth game in this series because Soul Calibur felt dead even if SC5 was only like five years ago.8. Sonic Chronicles the Dark BrotherhoodThis is not the first time we are going to be talking about a Sonic game. Now this one is quite an obscure one because remember when I mentioned about a Megaman RPG? Well Sonic got his own RPG too and it is turn based with Paper Mario/Mario and Luigi action commands with Bioware developing it. So, we got Sega’s main mascot with Mario game mechanics and the people who made Mass Effect all in one title. While I do find it quite amazing that a developer like Bioware got to work on a Sonic title, they messed up big time.

The game is just generic and does not even have that bad yet enjoyable Sonic story telling that I come to love. The choice of characters is quite nice I will give it that and the freedom of party formation is a good bonus. Then with that out-of-the-way the rest of the game is a mess! The game looks awful and the DS can actually do good visuals with 3D models, not the best, but man Sonic looks awful here!

What makes this game enjoyable though would be the horrible soundtrack and use of sound effects. They get the most generic sounds possible for this game. They even recycle some Sonic sound effects which make sense, but I hear the sound of Sonic getting an air bubble when Amy is doing a hammer attack. Then the menus and art look so lazy too that it just makes me laugh.

I am not joking on that the menu boxes and art look like it can be used for some terrible game based on some kid show, like the Ed, Edd, and Eddy video game. I also get a burst of laughter when I hear the kids cheer at the end of every fight, the game just has to remind you to be happy while playing. My favorite part is having Eggman be on the party and one of his moves is making it rain bombs, but he dances like he is making it rain with money.

Along with how slow the game moves too just add more humor. Oh, a Big the Cat can be on your party so there is that too. In the end, this game is a mess which Sonic games are being known for this right now, at least Mania was good.7. Mario Party 8I love Mario Party, it is probably the game series I followed the most in my early days. I played the first and second games religiously. I never did own the third game, but have played it here and there. Then when it got to the Gamecube, I got every Mario Party possible and the last one I got was when it started on the Wii.

The actual reason is because of nine and ten going with the dumb cart where everyone is together. Then the handheld ones are just disappointing at best. The eighth game started the use of motion controls and while it was a simple use of them, some games are simply funny because of motion controls.

To give context I love No More Heroes with the recharging function and there is a good amount of mini-games that use a similar motion. It is childish joy and I adore that and we get to see Mario’s hand do that jack off motion, can it get any better?

On top of that there are some actual good boards on this game it is just that the mini-games lack, but those simple ones can make me laugh a bit too much.6. Castlevannia JudgementCastlevannia is a strong franchise, it does have some miss steps here and there, but that is only in the recent times. A majority of the series are full of strong titles and fans have come to know the many characters. So, a fighting game for Castlevannia sounds simple enough. Well it was put on the Wii and while you do not need motion controls to play it which is nice to have different methods of how to play. Still though this game is quite of a mess for a 3D fighter.

The stages are a bit odd to move around and some characters are unbalanced. I do enjoy the idea of having the hearts with the different sub weapons because the series is known for pick-ups. Still we got an awkward fighting game to control and there is some fun with that because you can surprise yourself. Then there is the roster which on paper sounds really good. Then you actually get to see how these characters are presented.

Now the art was done by the man who is known for the Death Note series and I love his art and with his use of death gods designs sounds like it should work out with Castlevannia. What we get is Light as Simon, Death looking like the most distorted skeleton of all time, Camellia going with an Ivy look, and Maria being a loli that loves boobs. The character designs are all over the place and just make this amazing mess. On top of that the voice acting is great in a horrible way. Even the lines are delicious because of how they do not fit the original characters at all, well maybe some fit, but the voice acting does not make it fit.

This game is chaotic with motion controls and even if you got some control over without the motion controls, some moves are busted and spam happy. The cherry on the top is the overall presentation though, “Even the vampire’s are bigger than mine!”5. Sonic 06Poor Sonic, this is still not going to be the last time this series is going to be mentioned. Again, I want to like Sonic because I enjoy games like the classic series and something like Sonic Colors. I can even find some fun with Unleashed and Black Knight and one other title which we shall get to soon.

You want one of the most broken games of all time, that would be Sonic 06. This game was literally rushed by a whole year and the product we got is amazing in the worst way possible. I know 3D Sonic titles has some interesting glitches in the past, but with the Adventure series I can actually say I enjoy those games even with some of those so bad it is good elements like the voice acting and presentation.

Still the levels are good and boss battles are quick and easy, but some still do stand out. Sonic 06 has no redeemable parts and that is why it can be enjoyable. How the game can just throw you out into orbit, Silver can keep you stuck with his attacks, then there is one of the worst hub worlds of all games. Say what you want about Sonic Adventure with its odd character models with how they move in cut scenes, but those games were during the Dreamcast. This Sonic game came out during the 360 and PS3 and they may look better, but their movements are too similar to Dreamcast models. The level designs are terrible and even how they try to spice the game up is not even great.

The surprise factor is there though because anything can happen and the game can just break. It really feels like a beta demo of the game, oh wait the actual demo of this game is better! Then there is the worst Sonic story of them all, things really just happen.

Even how the story is presented is horrible and by god I enjoy so much of it. Sonic’s horrible running animations, Shadow being the edge lord, and Silver being Silver. At least the voice acting is still good and the music is stellar. So, what we got here is a sea of glitches and that is why it must be played, everyone has their own story with Sonic 06.4. Shadow the HedgehogAlright this is the final Sonic title on this list and while I can admit something like Sonic 06 is messier and Shadow actually works, there is still questionable game design here. We all know Shadow is an edge lord and Sonic Team just had to completely raise that edge bar.

Shadow has guns and rides motor vehicles and all of those things can kill foes, which can be normal human beings. Shadow straights up kill people in this game and even in the endings Shadow kills characters like Sonic and Eggman. I will admit when I was young I just did a straight shot and when Shadow killed Eggman I thought that was it.

My little mind was baffled that actually happened. Then later on I see Eggman in the next Sonic title and was completely confused. This game literally has too many endings and in the end, they are useless because there is the true ending.

Which that one just has Shadow be the hero, but let us cut to the endings where he killed Sonic, oh yea there is more than one an ending where Sonic dies. Give credit for Sega even allowing this to be a thing. Even if it is not canon killing off major characters in any franchise is like a no-go. There is no Mario game where we actually see Mario die and then credits!

I will not lie though giving the level design these different tasks are not a bad idea at all. On top of that doing that one task over the other two can lead to different routes. In concept this is not a bad idea since there can usually be three different things to do each level. The bad news is that this is a Sonic game.

The level design keeps what 3D Sonic games have which can be some odd falling off the level glitches. Then if you have an ally with you and do what they do not want, they will never shut up! At least this gave birth to Vector talking about the computer room, I will never get tired of that. Even hearing characters like Shadow and Knuckles swearing just makes me burst into laughter.

Everyone knows the line, “Where is that damned fourth Chaos Emerald?” The story can be outright funny because of how much they try to push Sonic into this edgy feeling even if it is just a teen rated game, so it just comes across as a PG film with like one or two swears. It always brings a smile to my face, even if I keep dying by falling off the stage.3. Dong Dong Never DiesThis is then the last fighting game on the list and man what an extremely fun one! This game was made independently in China and is free online. You can just play this right now which I recommend. You got here is pretty much the Chinese version of Street Fighter the Movie the Game.

The animations are old school Mortal Kombat style, but keeps elements of other fighting games like Capcom and SNK games. There are many references and are all obvious.

Dong Dong Never Die Move List

The roster is actually awesome because of how wacky everyone is. I mean what other 2D fighting game can you play as Mario (other than Mugen)? On top of that there are simple characters like Ryu and Kyo rip offs, but then you get some interesting characters like the Gothic Lolita that has a Optimus Prime summon for a super move. Two nurses that fight like Noob and have a move called the Twinyuken. A grappler character where her intro animation has her get off Raoh’s horse from Fist of the North Star. There is even a Mr.

Heart reference with the construction worker. Mario plays as Akuma, this is not a joke, Mario can do the raging demon. The smooth criminal character that actually has MJ’s music for his theme. The business man who can summon minions from his book. Then finally the awesome woman who is straight up Iori! Also, you got to love boss characters and hidden characters on the roster. Those character are legit broken, but hey boss characters are like that and they are so enjoyable.

One of them rips open his suit to show off his chest and then he starts healing. The best boss character goes to the red-haired badass with Rock Howard’s victory animation where he has a projectile attack that can flow easily into an infinite combo. Reminding me of combos, they are extremely loose. This game makes Marvel vs Capcom look slow and hard to even land a ten-hit combo. You can use a super into another super and just keep doing supers if you have the bars to do it. So, this is one of the most chaotic fighting games ever made and these guys put hard work into it.

All the animations were done the hard way and the arcade mode is actually really fun where you have to go through Streets of Rage levels. This may not be an actual good fighting game, but it is extremely fun with tons of heart and that’s what really counts in the end.2. Deadly PremonitionDeadly Premonition has always been this amazing product to me. Sure, the game plays like a bad Resident Evil clone with the shooting segments and the overall world is not the grandest. I still find myself loving this Twin Peaks inspired product. What really sells this title would be the story as for those who love Twin Peaks will easily be loving it.

It is extremely similar to the American television series, but just add that Japanese flavoring. The directing is done differently and some of the twists are even changed around. The game was originally a PlayStation 2 game and ended up becoming an Xbox game which sooner or later the Director’s Cut came out for the PS3.

I will say the PS3 version is the better one to play since the combat is taken down to an easier level. This way you do not spend too much time with the poor combat. I can admit though there have been moments where I do enjoy the fights which will mostly be at the end. Deadly P even has some of the strangest characters around in video games where even your main character is a complete oddball and it is amazing when he is freaked out by some people, like the pot lady.

Thanks to the strange and yet fun characters, it makes exploring the town more fun and the side missions are enjoyable in a goofy way. I can even admit that I adore the soundtrack for this game a whole lot. I am not lying if I ever do a top ten video game soundtrack list, this will be number ten. The music really carries the overall game at times. Life is Beautiful is a probably of my most go to songs in video games, it is such an extremely happy song. Overall, Swery 65 was correct to just focus on the mystery subject and the wacky cast of characters in Deadly Premonition and to not have combat, but this game still has a strong cult following and I am one of those fans even if this game has many problems.1. Flower Sun and RainI have talked about Grasshopper’s second title before, but I can easily keep talking about this anti video game.

FSR and Deadly Premonition have a lot in common, but FSR easily kept true to its vision with not have any issues with publishers like DP had. FSR and Deadly P have you doing tons of mundane tasks while DP has those for side missions, FSR has that for the entire game. The stories for both titles are out of this world in strange vibes and I can say that FSR also has Twin Peaks inspirations too or at the very least David Lynch inspirations. In terms of a soundtrack this is another one of those games where I would so put this in my top ten list for gaming soundtracks. The music can range from extremely happy, to just straight up eerie and uncomfortable.

So, the problems with Deadly P did come with the combat for the most part, FSR’s problems actually do come from the main game itself. The strange thing is that nothing is actually wrong or not working.

It is strange to say that on a game list about guilty pleasures because everything works fine in terms of programing. It is just how the game makes you travel on foot for so many miles that the DS version actually gives you rewards for how many steps you have!

I can easily say the puzzles aspect of this game is well done with the use of looking into a virtual book to find the answers or by simply paying attention to the clues from the story. All the puzzles work with number coding and yes you can just try any combination, but when you get four to eight number sequences, that really gets insane to try all possibilities. The biggest thing I see for this game that it is the closest to the idea of art being presented in video games.

I know for sure a title like this will be in my top three for most artistic games. FSR really understands the true meaning of art which is to experience and sometimes that experience can be confusion and not even have an end goal at times.

Suda 51’s second title with Grasshopper is filled with bizarre characters and story moments, great puzzles, but some of the most tedious exploring methods in video game history. Is this game bad or good is still something I ponder at times. I know for sure though that FSR is an experience I will never forget because of its extreme artistic view into the gaming world.Those are my picks for what I can still enjoy from questionable video games. If you have any ideas for what is a guilty pleasure, please leave them in the comments again I am a the man who love to see as much as possible. Also if you want to see a list for guilty pleasures of films, I can easily do that too.

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