Swedish M96 Inspector Marks

  1. Swedish M96 Scope Mount
  2. Swedish M96 Diopter Sights
Swedish M96 Inspector MarksM96

Swedish M96 Scope Mount

Swedish Carbine M94 Cleaning KitIn the mid 50’s many of the carbines were exported from Sweden to sale abroad.The following is some good reading on the Swedish Carbine and Swedish 1914 Bayonet it would eventually use.There are also 2 movies that may interest Swedish gun lovers.Beyond the BorderWinter War Search Terms People Used To Find This Article. Swedish Mauser Carbine for Sale.

The Swedish Mauser Rifle received its baptism of fire when Sweden sent some 77,000 m/96 rifles to Finland for use in the Winter War against Soviet Russia in 1939-1940. The Swedish Carbine and Rifle. In the mid-1890s, the Swedish government began to fear the developing rivalry between the great powers. The Swedish Mauser Rifles. Steve Kehaya. And Joe Poyer. It is somewhat ironic that the rifles we in North America know so well as the 'Swedish Mauser' were never called that by the military in Sweden. Swedish Mauser is a term that was first applied to these fine rifles when they reached the surplus arms market.

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Swedish M96 Inspector Marks

Swedish M96 Diopter Sights

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