Skyrim Main Quest Or Civil War First

Skyrim Main Quest Or Civil War First

Oct 18, 2015 - so in skyrim i completed like all sidequests that matter and idk if i should first complete the main quest or civil war what is best for the story.

Yes.I've done this succesfully. The main questline was one of the first questlines that I finished (mainly to get the Dragon Shouts exclusive to it), and the Civil War questline (the Imperial Legion path) was one of the last questlines I finished (because I can't decide who to support, initially).A word of warning, though:.If you do not trigger these bugs, or have done a workaround, you should be able to complete the Civil War questline even after the main questline has been finished.More info. The thing is, you have to do part of the main quest lines in order to do the civil war quest line, because the Yarl of Whiterun won't pledge allegiance with the Imperials until you go into Bleak Falls Barrow and retrieve the dragon stone for his court wizard.

Skyrim main quest or civil war first order

I imagine if you do the civil war quest line before you finish the main quest line, the peace meeting the gray beards put on might not happen (haven't tried it) because in the civil war quest youkill Ulfric (as an imperial soldier) or kill General Tullius (as a storm cloak), both of which are at the peace meeting.

You will be asked to take sides in the Civil War being fought between the and the (a historical description of which may be found ). You can only choose one side. Either choice allows you to start a series of quests, during which various battles of the Civil War are fought, ultimately resulting in your chosen side taking control of Skyrim. The overall quest arcs for the Imperial Legion and Stormcloaks are similar, and allow you to unlock the same. Choosing Sides You are first asked to choose sides shortly after you escape your near-execution and the subsequent dragon attack during the quest, at the point when you choose whether to enter with, a Stormcloak, or with, an Imperial soldier. However, this choice only determines which side you will be first asked to join.After escaping the Helgen keep, your chosen companion will suggest that you join their side, adding the corresponding quest to your log. You can make a choice to accept the suggestion or you can postpone it.

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Skyrim Civil War Before Dragon Rising

If you do make a choice, you can later change sides. While exploring Skyrim, you will fairly often meet soldiers from both sides, who will ask you to join their side if you have made no choice, or if you belong to the opposite side.To join an army, you need to go to that army's base to join (in for the Stormcloaks, or in for the Imperial Legion). If you have not initiated a quest to join either side, you can simply travel to either base and trigger the quest by speaking to members of the leadership. Both sides have an initiation task that you must first complete before you are inducted into the faction. Even after you are formally inducted, you will have yet one later chance to change sides. You will also be given a set of armor.

Although you are not required to wear the armor, wearing the opponent's armor can result in your being accused of being a spy; ironically, this dialogue stops once you have joined one side or the other. Another implication of joining a side is that the other side now considers you an enemy. For example, if you are a Stormcloak you are no longer welcome in Imperial Camps, and after a warning, will be attacked by Imperial soldiers if you do not leave immediately.If you join the Imperials, the second quest that you receive in the Imperial questline will be, and if you join the Stormcloaks, the second quest that you receive in that questline will be. At the end of this quest, you have a final opportunity to keep or change sides in the Civil War.

Notes. This questline is put on hold during the ceasefire negotiated in; Civil War quests are unavailable until after the Main Questline is completed. Leftover dialogue, markers, quest updates, and other evidence suggests that at one time the game's developers intended the Civil War to be much more dynamic and complex than it currently is. Taking a hold would have involved capturing the outlying villages and/or points of interest as well as completing the regular missions. In addition, sieges like those seen during and the final two battles were intended to occur with each hold capture. On top of this, the opposing side would actively participate in the war, which would have forced players to play defensive as well as offensive missions.

Finally, it would have been possible for the opposing side to lose their main capital yet still have other holds, meaning the final battle may have taken place elsewhere (for example, for the Stormcloaks the final battle could also have taken place in Markarth, as well as Solitude.). In addition to the Jagged Crown quest, you were also at one time able to defect to the other side by favoring the opposing side during negotiations in. An alternate method of completing any quests requiring you to take over a fort is to attack and defeat the local. Doing so is recommended in the event that the fort's defenders fail to spawn due to bugs. The quest will be marked as complete once the Jarl is on their knees.

However, if the quest is completed this way, the guards and soldiers in the hold may not be replaced by guards and soldiers of the opposite faction. The Jarl and their court may not go into exile, nor will their replacements step forward or return from exile. Further bugs have also reportedly been triggered in this way. Even after finishing the war, a lot of people will discuss it as if it is ongoing, and the events in the questline that relate to it do not change in any way.Achievements The same achievements can be obtained regardless of which side you choose. Three (50 points; 2 Bronze and 1 Silver) are unlocked by the Civil War quests.

Skyrim Main Quest First

Taking Sides (10 points/Bronze) — Join the or the. This is unlocked when you complete either the or quest. War Hero (10 points/Bronze) — Capture or. This is unlocked roughly halfway through the Civil War. On the Stormcloak side, you must complete.

On the Imperial side, you must complete.Note that both of these quests are optional and may be skipped depending on the results of, which will cause you to miss this achievement. Hero of Skyrim (30 points/Silver) — Capture or. This is unlocked once Skyrim has been liberated/reunified. On the Stormcloak side, you must complete.

Skyrim Civil War Quest Line

On the Imperial side, you must complete.

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