Mtf Nine Tailed Fox


MTF Epsilon-11 (Nine-Tailed Fox) BlackHawkZac12. 6 + Follow - Unfollow Posted on: May 18, 2019. About 1 week ago. 66 0 took me a while but I finally made this. I really love the SCP lore and story so I made this skin next time I'll probably make some other MTF unit. SCP Twitter DeviantArt Facebook Instagram Serious Tumblr Silly Tumblr Artwork Info. Classified material beyond this point.

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This is my fan colorization of 's 🦊, which is his fanart for (a totally free and cool fanmade game you should check out if you somehow haven't already! ((Christ, we're reaching triple layer fandom here.))).handles internal security for the, under oversight by.They are a special ops force deployed to when standard protocols fail & multiple breaches are imminent. As such, most of their operations are classified.MTF Epsilon-11 has assisted in the containment of object(s):, &.Any and all SCP fanart I make is.

MOBILE TASK FORCESMobile Task Forces (MTFs) are elite units comprised of personnel drawn from across the Foundation and are mobilized to deal with specific threats or situations that sometimes exceed the operational capacity or expertise of regular field personnel and — as their name suggests — may be relocated between facilities or locations as they are needed. Mobile Task Force personnel represent the 'best of the best' of the Foundation.Mobile Task Forces vary greatly in size, composition, and purpose.

A battalion-strength combat-oriented task force trained to deal with highly aggressive anomalous entities may consist of hundreds of troops plus support personnel, vehicles, and equipment and can be deployed in whole or in part to deal with threats across the globe. However, a Mobile Task Force can also be a small, specialized intelligence-gathering or investigative task force that may have fewer than a dozen personnel if that is deemed sufficient to accomplish their goals.While in the field, task force members often pose as emergency responders, local or federal law enforcement, or military personnel appropriate to the region in which they are operating. Mobile Task Force Commanders can also request the assistance of local field units or personnel stationed at nearby Foundation facilities in order to accomplish their missions.ORGANIZATIONEach unit is fundamentally structured in a way that best suits their intended purpose. While combat-oriented task forces may closely follow military hierarchy and organization, smaller units may have an informal or otherwise esoteric chain of command. As such, the responsibilities of the Mobile Task Force Commander (MTFC) for each particular task force can vary greatly; the commander for a large task force might focus on maintaining multiple teams and deploying them as necessary to each assigned operation, whereas the commander of a small team might deploy with their team and direct the operation from on location.Similarly, the cohesion of each unit will vary as well.

Some Mobile Task Forces consist of personnel who have trained and worked for many years or even decades together, whereas the personnel of a Mobile Task Force formed on a moment's notice to deal with a specific incident may know little more than each others' names and fields of expertise.CREATIONMobile Task Forces are typically commissioned as deemed necessary by the Foundation's Director of Task Forces, often with the direct approval of one or more O5 Council members. A significant number of Mobile Task Forces are created to deal with specific anomalies exhibiting traits that standard containment or response teams are unable to effectively counteract, though many were also created to pre-empt an emerging or theoretical threat.DEACTIVATIONMobile Task Forces created for the purpose of containing a particular anomaly are typically deactivated at the end of the recovery operation or when ongoing containment is deemed no longer necessary. Occasionally, such task forces remain operational if the expertise and experiences learned are considered useful for future incidents, but otherwise the task force will likely be disbanded and its personnel returned to their prior posts.

Very rarely, a Mobile Task Force will also be disbanded if it suffers sufficient casualties to render it incapable of operation. In these cases, if the prior capability of that particular task force is deemed necessary, a new task force may be commissioned to replace it. WHAT IS A MOBILE TASK FORCE?A Mobile Task Force is a team of personnel that represents the Foundation's best and most effective field agents and researchers and are sent in when ordinary facility personnel are unable or ill-prepared to deal with incidents or threats of a particular type. Task Force Mission: Mobile Task Force Gamma-5 specializes in preventing the dissemination of knowledge of anomalous events or phenomena in cases where initial suppression efforts have proven ineffective or insufficient, or in cases where such knowledge has already reached critical levels of public exposure. This includes the research and deployment of experimental amnestics as well as memory fabrication procedures.Assisting In Containment of Objects:.Action Reports:. Task Force Mission: Armed Mobile Task Force Nu-7 is a battalion-strength force consisting of three company-sized elements of special operations infantry forces, a light armored vehicle company, tank platoon, helicopter squadron, chemical-biological-radiological-nuclear (CBRN) platoon, combat engineer platoon, nuclear weapon specialist (NWS) squad, plus additional combat specialist and support personnel. AMTF Nu-7 is based primarily out of Armed Bio-Containment Area-14 and is tasked with responding to incidents involving loss of communication with major Foundation facilities under circumstances wherein a site-wide breach, enemy compromise, or other similarly catastrophic event is suspected.Assisting In Containment of Objects:.Action Reports:.

Mobile Task Force Unit Epsilon-11 Designated Nine Tailed Fox Has Entered The Facility

Task Force Mission: Mobile Task Force Psi-7 specializes in the undercover investigation, containment, and/or demolition of anomalous buildings or buildings affected by anomalies, particularly residential homes in populated areas. This includes the acquisition or transfer of affected buildings to Foundation control as well as initial observation and documentation of such buildings prior to transfer to local containment teams for long-term or ongoing containment.Assisting In Containment of Objects:.Action Reports:. Task Force Mission: Mobile Task Force Psi-8 specializes in the investigation, tracking, containment and/or destruction of individuals suspected to be capable of or having been affected by reanimation anomalies, as well as investigating suspected cases of communication with deceased individuals. This includes the severing of devices intended to allow communication with individuals buried alive, such as bells, pipes, and phones, as well as detainment and interrogation of individuals claiming to have had contact with deceased individuals.Assisting In Containment of Objects:.Action Reports:.

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