Orange Star Advance Wars

Advance Wars t-shirt by Coinbox Tees aka metrokard. Show everyone that you are a fan of Advance Wars with this Join Orange Star t-shirt. And fight the blue moon dogs! Soldier from the republican combined infantry. The combined infantry are frontline soldiers, armed and trained to the best standard bellow that of a commando. They act as the core.

Andy, the main protagonist of Advance Wars and widely considered the mascot of the entire Nintendo Wars series, is a Commanding Officer of the nation known as Orange Star. He's an enthusiastic young boy who specializes in fixing mechanical vehicles and units.

Hot-headed and naive, Andy is known to be a total knucklehead in Advance Wars 1 and 2. What Andy lacks in book smarts, however, he makes up for with sheer tactical prowness. Andy's main skill in the Advance War series, 'Hyper Repair', makes him an unusual leader in the sense of how he can repair his own troops on-the-fly. Additionally, unlike all other COs in Advance Wars, Andy's main strength comes from his own lack of weakness, being an extremely balanced character.

This combination of being a well-rounded technician and a guile commander can make Andy an excellent addition to Smash Bros., showing off a unique battle style no other character currently uses.​. One day in Wars World, one of the five nations, Blue Moon, attacked Andy's nation, Orange Star. Andy, who had recently finished training to be an Orange Star army commanding officer, was chosen to hold off the initial attacks on part of the other COs being busy elsewhere. Emerging victorious from the battle, Andy impressed his higher-up, Nell, and was chosen to lead more missions so as to give more time for Orange Star's other COs to regroup.

He eventually meets up with his other subordinates, Max and Sami, and together they scourge the lands to find out who exactly is puppet-mastering these attacks.Later, Andy encounters a clone of himself working for the nation known as 'Black Hole'. Defeating the clone, Orange Star is left with a few clues as to who is orchestrating this war. They chase after a strange commander known as 'Strum' and battle him to the finish. Defeated, Strum makes an escape as Orange Star and the other now allied nations talk over victory and future plans for putting a stop to their enigmatic enemy. The battle is over, but the war has just begun.Come Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising, shortly after the events of Advance Wars 1. With 4 nations now working together with one goal in mind, Andy is now in an important position as one of the top COs defending an entire planet.

Black Hole, which has expanded significantly, is now launching a full-scale invasion over the entire globe. Andy fights off Flak, one of several of Black Hole's COs, from invading Orange Star. The war proceeds as all the other nations are attacked separately.

After some time, Andy leads the final assault on Black Hole HQ to stop them from unleashing a Death Ray that will destroy half the world. Black Hole is defeated and peace is once again achieved.Andy himself does not appear in Advance Wars: Dual Strike. However, his clone appears in a small portion of the campaign much like in the first game. After unlocking him, Andy is once again playable as a standard 'Jack-of-all-stats' healer.​.

Like within the Advance Wars series, Andy would be a very balanced character with no crippling weaknesses yet no real boasts in any category either. However, what makes Andy unique is his position as commanding officer over unit soldiers.

This gives him the utility of various war-themed abilities in his special moves, each move having varying effects depending on the exact unit deployed. Using these long-ranged mechanisms in addition to his own ability to heal with 'Hyper Repair', Andy is good at making the most out of keeping a distance between his opponents. Additionally, Andy is always seen dual-wielding wrenches, giving him the niche of a weapon-type not used by any other character. Andy's wrenches distinguish him immediately from every other weapon user in Smash Bros., from swords to hammers to lasers, making him quite the unique grease monkey to play as.​collapse='Andy Moveset - God Robert's Cousin'Due to Andy's nature of not being directly on the battlefield on part of being a CO, Andy excels at indirect-combat.

These Features are highlighted in the book, set forth in a separate Table of Contents, and separately indexed. Ford's discussions of the history and meaning of topics from Newton's mechanics to Feynman's diagrams, although written first in 1968, have beautifully withstood the test of time and are fully relevant to 21st-century physics teaching. Many teachers will value this book as a personal reference during a teaching year as various topics are addressed. Solutions 300 creative physics problem laszlo holics download. Short sections of the previous book (174 in number) are labeled 'Features.' All of the original book is included with new content added.

He has a plethora of moves that reward him for allowing space between himself and his opponent. While his physically direct attacks are by no means bad, they aren't very fast nor powerful, making his special moves the clearly better part of his moveset.

Obviously, he exceeds at fighting non-projectile users, but Andy finds himself hard-countered by characters that can reflect projectiles and close distances quickly.Neutral Special - Infantry: Performs exactly like the 'Infantry & Tanks' Assist Trophy in Brawl. Andy sets down a fully-modeled miniature unit that charges forward with varying effects. If Andy places down a Tank, it speeds forward as it shoots energy projectiles. If Andy places down a Medium Tank, the unit will move much slower, but the projectiles it fires are more powerful. If Andy places down a Bike, it shoots no projectile whatsoever but speeds forwards at an extremely fast rate. Sometimes when Andy does this, he'll shout cheerful battle phrases, such as 'Full speed ahead!'

Or 'Go get 'em!' .Side Special - Artillery: Andy dispatches an aerial-projectile unit. If it's an Artillery, it shoots small cannonballs in a set arch.

If it's a Missile Launcher, which is chosen if the move is held rather than tapped, missiles are shot up high into the air with no set direction whatsoever, going in circles and unexpected turns until they either self-detonate or hit something.Up Special - Helicopter: Andy whips out Battle Helicopters in each hand with a big grin on his face. As he flies straight upwards, a line of bullets is launched diagonally downwards in the direction he's facing, letting him do indirect damage as he recovers.Down Special - Hyper Repair: Andy swings his wrenches in an arch and strikes a pose.

Star Wars Orange

If he goes uninterrupted for several seconds, Andy lowers his percentage by 2% to 5%. If used when the opponent is dying or otherwise unable to attack you, this move can be extremely beneficial. However, using this with the wrong timing and leave you open to a fully-charged Smash Attack, making this move situational.Final Smash - Hyper Upgrade: An assortment of very large, non-toy-sized aerial units fly in the background as the arena has a tint of orange-red. Andy strikes a pose with charisma as a red-aura fills him. He immediately recovers from 50% percent of his damage and has a layer of hit-stun invincibility.

Additionally, all his units now rapidly flash red and white and perform with much more efficiency, allowing Andy to function as a briefly powered-up version of himself. All Infantry perform with Bike's speed and Medium Tank's power. All Artillery shoot missiles that home-in on the opponent. All Helicopter release a pair of Bomb Carriers that drop bombs below them in addition to increased fire from the Battle Helicopters. Hyper Repair always heals 6% rather than 2% to 5%. After a short while, Hyper Upgrade wears off and Andy fights once again with his default attributes.Basic Attack - Does a one-two punch with his wrenches in hand.Up-Tilt - Tosses a wrench up like a baton and catches it, doing multiple hits.Side-Tilt - Kicks the opponent.Down-Tilt - Throws one of his wrenches like a boomerang.Dash Attack - Sprints foward with one wrench in front of him and one wrench above him, doing damage both in front and above Andy.Up-Smash - Crouches and thrusts both of his wrenches above himself, in a pose as if he's currently victorious.

APC: This unit has a very small chance of appearing but spawns two Infantry, Mechs, or one of each upon impact or after it travels a certain distance. This unit does not immediately disappear and can be 'picked up' by Andy to restore health after it stops traveling.Bv: Stationary Unit. Andy places a stationary unit at random down in front of him, these units have a long firing distance and have an equal chance of appearing. Their effects alter slightly depending on the unit, Andy can have two of these down at once. If there is an enemy nearby they will attempt to lock in on the target. Battle Copter. Andy automatically begins to fire off rounds at a 45 degree angle below him.Final Smash: Hyper Upgrade, what else?

A cutscene will occur in which Andy first calls upon his most advanced units being the Neotank, MegaTank, Bomber, Cruisers, Fighters, and Battleship with the Battleships and Cruisers appearing in the foreground in a body of 32-bit water. Andy also summons a variety of his already usable units to assist him in the battlefield. All units will have their firepower increased by 30% and enjoy faster movement and longer traveling distance unless it's a stationary unit. All units will also appear randomly around Andy unless they're Bombers, Fighters, Battleships, or Cruisers (Transport Copters are excluded in this attack). Similar to Bombers these will fly toward the stage by appearing at opposite ends. They will fire off rounds in front of them and will attempt to lock onto targets in the air./collapsecollapse='Andy Moveset - Tetra's Tracker'Andy – Wars seriesI’ve tried to base Andy's moveset around units used in the game since that’s what everyone remembers Nintendo Wars for.


I’ve given the units a sort of 'stamina' system to add an element of strategy to using Andy's special moves, much like how choosing when and how to use your units is an important part of Advance Wars. Since guns are apparently a no-go I’ve avoided using them in this set. His A moves, Smashes and grabs will be normal attacks where he uses his body like any other character (as well as his spanner).B – Neo Tank.

Andy will summon a Neo Tank which will drop down out of nowhere in front of him. The Neo Tank will have A.I. Which will go after Andy’s opponents. It can move left and right and can reach higher platforms by hovering. Its cannon can shoot in any direction bar directly downwards.

The tank is slow but powerful.Like his other two vehicles the Neo Tank will break down if it takes too much damage or runs out of fuel. Due to being heavily armoured the Neo Tank can take a lot of hits before it breaks down, however it runs out of fuel fairly fast, so retreating it when you don’t need it and bringing it back out later when you do is a good idea since you’ll conserve fuel. To retreat the Neo Tank simply press B again when Andy is standing next to it. If it does break down it’ll turn into a useless pile of debris on the stage and Andy must use his Down B to get it running again, this however is risky since it takes a while for Andy to repair it, and he’s vulnerable to attacks whilst doing so.

If the tank falls off the stage then Andy can’t use it again for the rest of the fight. Only one tank can be summoned at a time.Basically the Neo Tank will be a CPU character fighting for you while it's on the stage and operational.B Up – Transport Copter.

A transport helicopter will appear above Andy who will grab onto it and be lifted into the sky. Andy can have the copter move left and right when he’s latched onto it and can then jump off it to safety when he chooses.

Once Andy is off the copter it’ll fly up and off the screen and it cannot be re-summoned until it has left the screen. If any characters get caught by the copter’s blades then they’ll take damage. The copter can be attacked, and if it takes enough damage it’ll crash land onto the stage and it cannot be used again until Andy repairs it (thankfully however it takes a fair few hits to be brought down). Like Andy’s other two vehicles it can also run out of fuel, if it runs out of fuel it’ll crash land and Andy will have to repair it, so it’s a good idea to use it sparingly.See 3:15 of video to see how it'd look.B Across – Bomber.

A bomber plane flies across the top of the screen and carpet bombs some ground in front of Andy. It can be brought down by enemies in only a couple of hits; however since it’s so fast and flies high, hitting it is difficult.

If it is brought down then it’ll crash land onto the stage and Andy must repair it to use it again. The same thing will happen if it runs out of fuel.

Since this is a very powerful attack it’ll only take a few uses for it to run out of fuel, so again, it’s a good idea to use it sparingly.B Down – RepairAny of the vehicles that Andy uses in his specials can break down if they take enough damage. If they do they’ll basically be a useless heap of scrap metal on the stage until Andy repairs them. To repair them simply use B Down next to the debris and Andy will use his spanner to repair it. How long it takes to repair each vehicle varies. The Neo Tank will take a while due to how powerful it is, the transport copter will only take a few seconds because without it Andy has no recovery move making him very vulnerable, and the time it takes to repair the bomber will be somewhere in between. Andy is vulnerable when repairing a vehicle, so sometimes it may be a good idea to let the vehicle stay broken.I’ve included this move since I wanted to integrate Andy’s main skill, being a mechanic, into his moveset somehow.Final Smash – CO Powers (Hyper Repair and Hyper Upgrade)His two CO Powers in one.

Hyper Repair restores all of his vehicles to full health and full fuel whether they’re broken down or not. Hyper Upgrade will for a short period of time make Andy immune to knockback, his vehicles immune to damage and the attacks of both him and his vehicles immensely more powerful.The CO Powers are pretty much the only thing the COs do themselves in the games, so I wanted to integrate his into his moveset.Stage Entry – APCAn APC (Armoured Transport Carrier) will drive onto the stage and Andy will jump out of the top of it.CostumesDefault – Orange Star UniformAlt. 1 – Blue Moon UniformAlt. 2 – Green Earth UniformAlt. 3 – Yellow Comet UniformAlt. 4 – Black 12th Battalion Uniform (what Will/Ed wears in Days of Ruin/Dark Days)/collapsecollapse='Andy Moveset - Z1GMA' Andy - Advance Wars. Playstyle Concept:Just like in the games, you strive to make good choices - buy, or save cash - advance, or hold ground.What I mean by that is that Andy uses cash as part of how he fights.

B: Summon Ground Unit / SellAndy summons a Ground Unit infront of him only to have it patrol back and forth between walls/ledges.The type of unit summoned depends on how much cash your are willing to invest, and you pay different amounts by quickly pressing 1, 2, 3 or 4 times on the B-button.These units all have their own HP, and look more and more worn out the more damage they've suffered.But of course Andy can repair them by hitting them with Wrench Moves.If you press side-B when close to a unit (about the range of Popo & Nana), you can sell it to regain half of its value. However, the less HP it has, the less money you'll get back.Opponent's can roll through these units, and only one unit in this category can be in play at any time.Mini Tank: $3 - Press B once.A small tank the size of a Soccer Ball starts patrolling at the speed of Samus' homing missile. It fires its cannon every 2 seconds i the enemy is infront of it, doing 4% damage, sending ppl up and away with very low knockback.When it bumps into ppl, it does 2% damage with low knockback, sending the foe away.The Mini Tank has 15 HP. Its pellet (projectile) moves at the speed of Falco's laser with a range about half of Final Destination.

Anti-Air Tank: $6 - Press B twice.An Anti-Air Tank slighty bigger than his Mini Tank starts patrolling at a slightly slower speed than Samus' homing missile.It fires its dual Anti-Air Cannon every 2 seconds, doing 6% damage and sends ppl up and away with low knockback.When bumping into an enemy, it does 4% damage and sends the foe up and away with low/med knockback.It has 35 HP, and its projectile moves at the speed of Falco's laser with a range about half of Final Destination.This unit can also angle its cannon 45 degrees up, and will prioritize Air Units in a Andy Vs Andy Battle. Medium Tank: $18 - Press B x3.A Tank the size of Wario starts patrolling the stage at the speed of Ganon's Walk. It fires its cannon every 3 seconds, doing 10% damage and sends the opponent up and away with medium knockback, killing at around 160%.The range of the cannon is 2/3 of Final Destination and the projectile moves at a speed similar to Ganon's Dash before disappearing.When bumping into the opponent, it does 9% damage, sending the foe up and away with medium knockback, killing at around 170%The Medium Tank comes with 55 HP, and it has the strongest 'tackle' in its category. Mega tank: $ 40 - Press B x4.Here comes the Mega Tank. Battle Helicopter: $5 - Press B twice.Andy calls in a small helicopter the size of a Soccer Ball. It flies at the height of ZSS' Up-b and at the speed of Samus' homing missile, turning at the Blast Zones.It sprays 5 pellets every 1 second towards the ground at 45 degrees when near an opponent.Each pellet does 1% damage with a stun similar to Sheik's needles.If it bumps into an enemy it does 1% damage and semi-spikes him with very low knockback.The Battle Helicopter has 20 HP, and it is most effective when Andy time his attacks with its spray.

Bomber: $24 - Press B x3.Andy calls in a Bomber the size of a crouching Dedede that Carpet Bombs the stage. It flies at the height of Lucarios Final Smash, at slightly slower speed than Samus' homing missile.When it reaches the Blast Zone(s), it disappears only to come back after around 10 seconds.The spread of the bombing is 4 bombs on Final Destination.

Each bomb do 17% damage, has a Blast radius similar to Snake's C4, and sends ppl straight up with high knockback, killing at around 90%.The bombs fall as fast as when Link throws a bomb straight down, and the Plane has 50 HP.Avoiding the bombs is easy for the opponent if Andy or his ground units doesn't attack at the same time.If it bumps into an opponent it does 14% damage, sendning him straight up, killing at around 110%.The Bomber comes with 50 HP. Andy's A-MovesI'm not gonna go in depth when it comes to his A-moves.Let's just say that around half of his attacks involves a wrench(es).Some of them are his Jab, Uair, and Fsmash which can be used both for attacking and repairing.Up Taunt: Money CheckAndy pulls out a wad of cash and counts them whlle sticking his tongue in the corner of his mouth.

Advance Wars dates back to as early as 2001, making it quite the veteran Nintendo series. The sister-series to Fire Emblem, Nintendo Wars, which is the overarching 'main' series that Advance Wars is only an arc of, is as old as 1988, making it stand next to Fire Emblem with just as much seniority.

With four games under the Advance Wars name alone, Advance Wars has essentially taken up the name as the official name of the series now, with the latest Nintendo Wars entry in 2008 being a DS title called 'Advance Wars: Days of Ruin'.To give a sense of scale in seniority, Golden Sun, series of the very highly requested Isaac, was made the same year on the Game Boy Advance. This means that Advance Wars, like Golden Sun, is old enough to be considered its own standing series from its higher-arching Nintendo Wars grand-series. Because of this, Andy, the mascot for the Advance Wars series, has just enough notoriety to warrant a place in Smash Bros. This is a weak argument that has been completely dismissed already on part of characters like Villager and Wii Fit Trainer joining Smash Bros. Despite having no fighting experience of their own. Andy himself, his design more specifically, has the right amount of combat-potential on appearance alone (as all COs in Advance Wars seemingly do). We've been shown through Captain Falcon that a character does not need experience in hand-to-hand combat to be given a full-fledged moveset.

Orange Star Advance Wars 1

Much like Captain Falcon, Andy can easily go into a fighting role without going out of character solely based on his combat-ready appearance alone.Andy himself has seen all types of combat in his time of commandment, from foot-soldiers to tank-warfare to dogfights to naval-battles. He's quite experienced with commanding the action that goes on the battlefield. Surely a transition from commanding officer to fighter would not be a surreal one on part of how Andy knows how battle works. While Sami does bring in female representation, she is not the main character of the Advance Wars series. Andy is on part of how he is the CO available to you earlier on than both Sami and Max, as well as that Andy has the most plot-points interwoven with him in the series. He is predominately red, much like how his units are red and how the Japanese name of Orange Star is Red Star.

Andy features the most basic of all CO abilities, making him the main protagonists are often accustomed to. Through all of this, it's easy to tell that Andy has higher importance to the series than Sami, if only slightly.This being the case, while Sami is very much liked by Advance Wars players, she is not the deserved representative. Much like Falco is to Fox and Meta Knight is to Kirby, Sami is to Andy in that while she is arguably more of a fan-favorite, she fulfills the role of. She's right behind the main character in importance yet not as core to the series as Andy himself, in other words.

Without a doubt though, should Andy make it into SSB4, Sami seems like a definite possibility for being an Assist Trophy, or better yet, a newcomer for SSB5. This plays right into the above.

Regardless of whether or not one finds Andy annoying, he's still the main character. This shouldn't even be a reason to exclude him in the first place, lest we hold a double-standard for subjectively annoying characters like Pit, Pokemon Trainer, and Sonic that find a place in Smash Bros., despite being just as annoying themselves. His personality is that of a pure-grade, meaning perky young boy, which seems to agitate certain people but can be effectively used to better a character. In this case, Andy being a Keet is used to differentiate himself from other COs in a story perspective and used to help educate the player by asking seemingly dumb questions in a gameplay perspective. It makes him that much more of a information-source that the player would otherwise lack without another lengthy tutorial.Really though, let's not even pretend that being annoying is legitimate deduction to being in Smash Bros.

In the first place. I would love any advance wars rep.Here's a special moveset I had for Sami. With changes made for Andy.Special neutral: Capture - Andy can go to anywhere on the stage and capture part of it. That means that a generic but small building would rise differentiate by her palette color.

It would do minimal damage but mainly it could be used as a platform. Different Andys can't capture different buildings other than their own.He can do up to 2.

Orange Star Advance Wars

Can be destroyed by opponents.Forward: Wrench throw: Andy throws one of his wrenches at his opponent.Up: B-Copter: Any flies upward and a little forward due to a minature B-Copter.Down: Anti-Tank Unit. She creates a anti-tank that attacks any people who come close to it.

It has up to three shots, but can only fire in one direction. Can be destroyed by opponents.Final Smash:Neo Tank: Infantry present Andy with a Neo Tank. He then can use in battle. Much smaller than the landmaster. Or if people are sick of tanks.Aerial Advanced Assault: Andy summons two bombers and they drop bombs on opponents through out the stage.

I found it surprising that Andy didn't have a topic. Anyway, I thought up some of a moveset (really just specials) that's pretty similar to yours but also very different.More coming later.collapse=ANDY MOVESET- Specials: Andy's Specials have to do with summoning units to use at his whim.

They will not disappear after any set time, but will take damage an can be destroyed.- Standard Special: TankAndy will pull out a miniature Orange Tank (like the Advance Wars AT in Brawl had). The Tank will move slowly and independently, targeting nearby enemies with explosive rounds. This will have the most power of any of his Specials, but also be the slowest and easiest to avoid. The tank, obviously, can handle the most damage before breaking (let's say 30-50%). Once it has taken half that damage, it's targeting systems will break, making it less likely to accurately hit an opponent. Andy, however, can call a strike himself, whenever he feels necessary by Pressing B again (there will be a mandatory cooldown time).

Once it has taken all the damage it can it will break, and detonate in a second or so.- Side Special: Anti-Air Artillery GunAndy will throw out an miniature Orange Anti-Air Artillery Gun that will latch onto walls and ceilings. This will only target Airborne opponents within range. The missile launched will be faster than those from the Tank and will do less damage/knockback. Pressing B again will let Andy launch a missile whenever (the mandatory cooldown time is shorter than the Tank's). (The gun can take, possibly 20% damage before breaking). It can not be placed on a ledge.- Up Special: BomberAndy will pull out a Bomber Plane, that gives Andy unparalleled recovery.

He holds onto it in much the way Snake does his Parachute Up Special. When Andy is on it, however, he cannot attack and neither can the Bomber.

Once Andy Jumps off, the Bomber circles the stage targeting players on the ground and dropping explosives (these explosives are the fastest with the greatest range, but also the weakest). When B^ is pressed again the old Bomber will fly off the stage and Andy will pull out a new Bomber.- Down Special: Hyper RepairUsing this move Andy can repair his deployed units.

He must jump back on the Bomber to repair it (he will be a complete sitting duck, but still circle with the Bomber, it will circle more slowly with him attached.) If the Anti-Air Artillery Gun is on the wall/ceiling he can also grab onto that. Andy can also Supercharge his units with this move (but doing so, may be a lengthy process).

Once Supercharged a unit will move faster and target better. Superchaged units self-destruct soon after being Supercharged./collapse. There's no real reason it could indefinately be dropped. However, take Battalion Wars for example. There's no wrench insignia on the box, title screen or even in the game.

In yet there is a star insignia in it. The wrench is shown only in the Advance Wars series, minus Days of Ruin, and considering the the series has like 4 different names so far so the wrench doesnt really rep the entirety of the series. But then again Andy could just be repping just Advance Wars so i guess if thats the case the point is moot.

Overview Md Tanks attacking a Recon unitAdvance Wars is a strategy game developed by and originally released for in 2001. While the game utilizes many of the trappings of modern combat, Advance Wars also features a colorful cast of characters and a lighter overall tone intended to provide players with a more-approachable version of military strategy.Although Advance Wars is technically another installment in long-running ' series, it is also the first game in the franchise to be released internationally. However, Advance Wars was never published as a standalone title in Japan.

The game's release in Japan and Europe was delayed due to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the US; while Advance Wars was published in Europe the next year, it did not receive a Japanese release in any form until 2005 as part of the compilation. StoryFor Advance Wars' single-player campaign, the player is cast as a military adviser for the country of. When Orange Star's territory is invaded by neighboring after a period of relative peace, players must lead Orange Star's army to repel the hostile forces and investigate the reason behind Blue Moon's sudden aggression. Throughout the course of the campaign, the Orange Star army travels across while fighting against the continent's other four. GameplayAdvance Wars' basic gameplay consists of two or more Commanding Officers (or COs) taking maneuvering their own military forces across a map in order to eliminate all opposing units or capture the enemy CO's (HQ).

Many of the game's single-player missions have alternate primary objectives such as important units, capturing a certain number of properties or destroying enemy materiel. Green Earth vs. Orange StarSimilar to the, combat in Advance Wars is based around a 'rock-paper-scissors' system wherein each unit type possesses certain strengths and weakness relative to other types of units. For example, Medium Tanks (or 'Md Tanks') can easily destroy Anti-Air units in direct combat; however, Md Tanks are largely ineffective against Bombers, which can eliminate Md Tanks with ease. Meanwhile, Anti-Air units are poor against Md Tanks while being very effective versus Bombers. By strategically exploiting enemy units' weaknesses, a smaller force of units can potentially triumph over greater numbers.Capturing properties is critical to a CO's war effort during most missions.

Only foot soldiers (Infantry and Mechs) are able to capture the five types of properties: Cities, Bases, Airports, Seaports and HQs. Each owned property grants an additional 1,000 to its respective owner per turn. On maps with production bases (Bases, Airports and Seaports), COs can use their available Funds to purchase additional units, as well as to repair and resupply their existing units.

UnitsA variety of military units can be commanded and engaged in Advance Wars. All units are initially deployed with ten, which can be depleted by attacks from enemy forces. Different units have varying levels of resistance to certain types of attacks.When a unit's HP reaches zero, it is destroyed and removed from play. Most types of captured property restore two HP to friendly ground units positioned there at the beginning of a turn, while Seaports and Airports can repair naval and air units respectively. Units with less than full health can also be combined with other units of the same type; when combined, the new unit's health is equal to the sum of its parents' health, up to a maximum of 10 HP. Additionally, any surplus HP is converted into Funds at a rate of 10% of the unit's base cost per health point.Most controllable units in Advance Wars are 'Direct-attack' units, which must position themselves directly adjacent to an enemy unit in order to attack it.

Conversely, 'Indirect-attack' units can only fire on enemy units positioned at least two tiles away. While Direct-attack units can both move and attack in a single turn, Indirect units cannot move and fire on the same turn. Ground Units(Inftry): The least expensive unit to deploy. Infantry can capture properties and cross mountains, but their firepower is low. Strong vs: Infantry. Weak vs: Vehicles, Copters.

Cost: 1,000. Move: 3(Inftry). Vision: 2. Fuel: 99. Ammo:∞(MGun)Mechanized Infantry (Mech): Upgraded foot soldiers equipped with.

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