Minecraft Mods From Dantdm

DanTDM (TheDiamondMinecraft) is one of the biggest YouTubers in the Minecraft community with millions of followers all over the world. This map includes a replica of the lab which is often featured in DanTDM’s videos. There have been a few similar maps posted here in the past, but this is so far the best one since it’s bug-free and is built in an infinite world. This means that you can use DanTDM’s lab as a base for your next adventure!Creators: TeamNectar (original map) TheLCFProYT Download Maps free for Minecraft PE:The post appeared first on.from Minecraft Download Free http://ift.tt/2rVIROA.

  1. Dantdm The Diamond Minecart
  2. Dantdm Minecraft Mod Showcase
  3. Minecraft Mods 1.7.10 Dantdm

A few years ago I used to watch a youtuber called 'Seri! Pixel Biologist!'

She ran a minecraft series where she builds a zoo in minecraft using lots of mods, and I checked a few days ago out of interest and it's an enormous series with hundreds upon hundreds of videos now. She's very sweet and doesn't use language in her videos, and she has a biology degree so you can learn things about plants and animals. Other than her very big minecraft zoo series, she also has so, so many more video game playlists related to animals and plants. I'm not quite sure why she does not even have 200K subscribers yet. All of her videos are clean, worst language you'll ever hear is 'crap, dang it', etc. And what I like is that the educational part of her videos isn't forced, there are just little facts and cool things about the natural world here and there, like, say, if she's building a red wolf zoo exhibit she will talk a little about the red wolf's habitat, I now know they are endangered since watching her videos.

The Minecraft Skin, DanTDM (For Future Custom Mod Pack Adventure), was posted by Plushyton. Home Home arrowright Skins arrowright DanTDM (For Future Custom Mod Pack Adventure) Minecraft Skin Create Account. Use winrar to get the files in a new folder rename the minecraft.jar to something different and name the new folder minecraft.jar it tricks the game to go to the folder to put your mods.

She is an amazing Youtuber and I recommend her minecraft videos if your kids like animals and minecraft:) if you like the series please let me know by replying to my comment!. or to share your thoughts. Hello,My son is really into Minecraft and has been watching a few shows here and there. I been trying to find one that does some learning in it, so I don’t feel like he is just watching a show and not getting nothing out of it and I don’t feel like that dad that just lets him watch youtube. I have found one called Leo the Leopard - www.youtube.com/channel/UC7cfCKIlhZbEtwHJ0xJwNgThis Leo does spelling and math for little kids minecraft. It's pretty fun to watch (thats what he says).

or to share your thoughts. I am new to Minecraft Youtube by my content is family friendly and always will be. If your kids are adamant on watching Minecraft videos on Youtube then search for my channel 'ProtosVault' and have have a look. I find that integrity is more important than search rankings and popularity so making sure my content is child friendly doesn't stop at the video, I also moderate all media channels accessible on my channel. This includes daily blocks on sensitive ad placements regardless of how much they pay and I even check all my social media platforms block sensitive media and information too.While I am here, I am disappointed to see that this list is simply a copy + paste of the highest ranking Minecraft Youtubers without any thought put into it.

Anyone who had done even the slightest bit of research would have put Ethoslab, iSkall85, Welsknight Gaming, Mumbo Jumbo, GoodTimesWithScar, cubfan135, xisumavoid, JoeHillsTSD and Rendog onto this list!Hope this helps and don't forget to hit those Like & Subscribe buttons to let those content creators know that they are still doing the right thing!:). or to share your thoughts. Most of these are good whoever, I did notice that xsiuma occasionally says 'damn' or 'dammit' you did only put hermitcraft players.

With the exception of etho, who has only played 27 total episodes of hermitcraft. I I do agree that it is disgusting that they only picked bigger YouTubers, even if they are not necessarily child oriented. Maybe common sense needs to figure things out, and do real research, or by the year 2020, the list will contain PewDiePie, ERB, leafyishere, luna, and nigahiga. or to share your thoughts. WARNING about Dan TDM Latest Video.Dan has truly disappointed me. His latest video was nothing Game or Minecraft related. It was a video of him trying to destroy a toy called a Hatchimal.

It was a Cute Pink toy. In the end, he Torched it with a flame! My child ran to me crying. She was truly disturbed. Too bad for Dan as he was kid friendly, well maybe for 10 and up. He should have stuck with his game tutorials.

The kids are no longer allowed to watch his program now. or to share your thoughts.

Guessing you were viewing one of the terrible copycat/hackers that use his name and face to get hits on their videos. It's a BIG problem for Youtubers.


Real DanTDM does NOT contain nudity/sexualized content. If you look at the box that contains the logo and name for the Youtuber, you should see a little gray box with a checkmark.

That's Youtube verification that they are who they are claiming to be. Fake videos won't have the check mark and they will have their comment sections blocked. Hope this helps!. or to share your thoughts. Hi all, I think this is a great article btw!! I feel like I must vouch for LittleLizardGaming, they are fantastic and my children love them.

The twins from Ireland have set up a whole little club with all of their friends who are committed to maintaining their 100% kid friendly status. Besides from having my children and sometimes myself keeled over with laughter, some of their other channels, like Little Kelly, do educational videos that raise awareness for the importance of staying safe online and the effects of bullying. Hope this helps:). or to share your thoughts. To all parents,My son loves Minecraft and enjoys watching videos as well, yet we are all facing the same problem of inappropriate Minecraft videos.I did some searching on the web, and found www.cleanminecraftvideos.com. Their site has over 300 Minecraft videos, and they claim all of their videos are completely appropriate. Their site is completely free, which makes it all the better.

My son's favorite YouTuber is Coestar, and Clean Minecraft Videos 100+ Coe's Quest episodes. I think all parents should check out their wesbite.cleanminecraftvideos.com. or to share your thoughts. Well, too bad we didn't make the list.

We are a relatively new channel but I was tired of having to hear my wife scold my son constantly for watching videos when the creators would drop an F bomb or many other curse words. Many, knowing that children watch these videos but couldn't care less. So my son and I started our own Youtube Channel called Dacusville Dudes. We also do Roblox videos as well. But you can rest assured that your children won't be exposed to any off the wall themes nor any bad language.

Our channel is still growing so please tell other families you know about our channel that still care about what their children are hearing. Thanks!. or to share your thoughts. Some of these channels appear to be kid friendly but often times have swearing or adult themes in them. I was watching The Bajan Canadian and The Diamond Minecart with my kids and I heard swearing and things I don't want me children to hear. While I was searching for channels that are completely clean I came across this one: Seejaykay Gaming have never heard anything of question and my kids love them!

What is also nice about them is that they have an app you can download from the AppStore called MineVid. It allows your kids to be able to watch Minecraft videos in a safe place without other suggested videos that pop up to click on. They also run a Minecraft server that kids can play on and they do not tolerate any bad language or bullying. My kids talk about how if someone says anything mean or tries to bully someone they are kicked off of the server. This might sound harsh to some but I am thankful there is a safe place online for my kids.Thank you for your time!. or to share your thoughts.

The Diamond Minecart, Dan Middleton shoul deffinately be brought to account. My son who is 10 has always watched stampy, now he is to my horror watching 'who's the daddy' vidoe's, which start off by saying something like, 'now mums gone' what can the baby get up to, the one ive just watched the baby plugged in a toaster in the bathroom and threw it in the bath which was full.really bad, the other i saw my son watching set the crawling baby on fire.

Im not a happy mum and want to block all his baby videos. Do anyone know what address id use for all the baby video site?.The reason im not blocking Dan Middleton completely YET, is because my son really likes him and he stampy ones and he takes change very badly, i need to prepare him for a full block,if necessary. or to share your thoughts.

Hmm, it probably should of mentioned that Diamond Minecart is better for slightly older audiences. I don't think you should block him completely.

The DiamondMC offers some great mod showcases. Try to get him into those. As a child, I would watch those one after the next. They got me interested in designing my own! Unfortunately with the Internet, your kid might know a LOT more than you think, just as I did.:'-( But it all depends on maturity and how much he's searched. Sit down and talk with him about it, tell him not to be embarrassed, or say that your not mad.

He's getting older, you two might be able to connect with what's happening and decide what's best, since I don't personally know him. (I will warn you though, it's not just the violence that makes it. Not so great for kids. There IS a dildo in the chest up in the bedroom in the 'Who's your daddy' game, but I'm not sure if he found that yet) In conclusion, Dan really has an awesome channel for kids, with a few inappropriate game playthroughs, although he isn't too inappropriate himelf. He may be a little better for older audiences.

or to share your thoughts. Parents, be cautious of the many Minecraft Sex mods available to your kids on Youtube. They know all about them. Honestly, get your kid involved in something else. I know too many families whose kids started out playing Minecraft (yes, for hours a day, it's so fun and educational they say!). These kids have all moved on to some pretty crazy, violent and oversexualized games. The time spent video gaming is not beneficial and can actually be harmful to your child.

Is he/she becoming a better person, with skills that will benefit their adult life? The answer is probably NO!. or to share your thoughts.

Minecraft mods dantdm 2018

Video games, as long as regulated to 2 hours or less can help, there are plenty of benefits of gaming. THEY’RE PRODUCING BETTER SURGEONS.While you may think you want your surgeon reading up on the latest medical research instead of playing games, you might want to reconsider: a study of laparoscopic (small incision) specialists found that those who played for more than three hours per week made 32 percent fewer errors during practice procedures compared to their non-gaming counterparts.2. THEY MAY HELP PEOPLE OVERCOME DYSLEXIA.Some research points to attention difficulties as being a key component of dyslexia. One study has shown dyslexics improved their reading comprehension following sessions of games heavy on action. The reason, researchers believe, is that the games have constantly changing environments that require intense focus.3. THEY COULD IMPROVE YOUR VISION.“Don’t sit too close to the television” used to be a common parental refrain without a lot of science to back it up. Instead, scientists are discovering games in moderation may actually improve—not strain—your vision.

In one study, 10 weeks of play was associated with a greater ability to discern between different shades of grey. Another had participants try to play games using only their “lazy” eye, with the “good” one obscured. Those players showed significant, sometimes normalized improvement in the affected eye.4. YOU MIGHT GET A CAREER BOOST.Because certain genres of games reward and encourage leadership traits—providing for “communities,” securing their safety, etc.—researchers have noted that players can display a correlating motivation in their real-world career goals. Improvising in a game can also translate into being faster on your feet when an office crisis crops up.5. PLAYERS CAN BECOME FASCINATED WITH HISTORY.Many games use actual historical events to drive their stories.

Those characters and places can then spark a child’s interest in discovering more about the culture they’re immersed in, according to researchers. Parents who have obtained books, maps, and other resources connected to games have reported their children are more engaged with learning, which can lead to a lifetime appreciation for history.6. THEY MAKE KIDS PHYSICAL.While some games promote a whole-body level of interaction, even those requiring a simple handheld controller can lead to physical activity. Sports games that involve basketball, tennis, or even skateboarding can lead to children practicing those same skills outdoors.7.

THEY MAY SLOW THE AGING PROCESS.So-called “brain games” involving problem-solving, memory, and puzzle components have been shown to have a positive benefit on older players. In one study, just 10 hours of play led to increased cognitive functioning in participants 50 and older—improvement that lasted for several years.8. THEY HELP EASE PAIN.It’s common to try to distract ourselves from pain by paying attention to something else or focusing on other body mechanisms, but that’s not the only reason why games are a good post-injury prescription. Playing can actually produce an analgesic (pain-killing) response in our higher cortical systems. The more immersive, the better—which is why pending virtual reality systems may one day be as prevalent in hospitals as hand sanitizer.9. YOU’LL MAKE NEW SOCIAL CONNECTIONS.Gamers are sometimes stigmatized as being too insulated, but the opposite is actually true.

The rise of multi-player experiences online has given way to a new form of socializing in which players work together to solve problems. But studies have shown games can also be the catalyst for friends to gather in person: roughly 70 percent of all players play with friends at least some of the time.10. THEY MAY IMPROVE BALANCE IN MS SUFFERERS.Since it is a disorder affecting multiple nerves, multiple sclerosis patients often have problems with their balance—and no medications have been conclusively proven to help. However, one study showed that MS patients who played games requiring physical interaction while standing on a balance board displayed improvement afterward.11. YOU’LL MAKE FASTER DECISIONS.We all know someone who seems to have a faster CPU than the rest of us, able to retrieve information or react in a split second.

For some, that ability might be strengthened through gaming. Because new information is constantly being displayed during play, players are forced to adapt quickly.

In one study, players who were immersed in fast-paced games were 25 percent faster in reacting to questions about an image they had just seen compared to non-players.12. THEY MIGHT CURB CRAVINGS.Players preoccupied with indulging in overeating, smoking, or drinking might be best served by reaching for a controller instead. A university study revealed a 24 percent reduction in desire for their vice of choice after playing a puzzle game.13.

THEY’LL REDUCE STRESS.While some games are thought to induce stress—especially when you see your character struck down for the umpteenth time—the opposite can be true. A major study that tracked players over six months and measured heart rate found that certain titles reduced the adrenaline response by over 50 percent.14. GAMERS MIGHT BE LESS LIKELY TO BULLY.Though the stance is controversial, some researchers have asserted that action games may reduce a bully’s motivation to—well, bully. One study that had players assume the role of both the hero and villain showed that those controlling the bad guy’s behaviors displayed a greater sense of remorse over their actions.15.

THEY CAN HELP ADDRESS AUTISM.Gamers using systems that incorporate the entire body to control onscreen movement have been shown to be more engaged in celebrating victories with their peers, which runs counter to the lack of communication people with autism sometimes present. A study also showed that sharing space with multiple players can also lead to increased social interaction for those with the disorder.or to share your thoughts. Another really good site with a whole bunch of kid-friendly videos is MinecraftWiz.com. My husband and our 12-year-old son just put this site together as a way to share the best Minecraft videos in all sorts of categories. Our son has gotten really good at all sorts of things on Minecraft by watching many of the videos on the YouTube channels you mention in this post. A lot of those gamers' videos are on MinecraftWiz, and they're really well organized to help make finding them a lot easier.

Plus, the videos are personally reviewed by a very responsible dad and a really knowledgeable kid. I know they’d really appreciate if you checked out their siteMinecraftWiz.com. or to share your thoughts. When my children discovered YouTube I was scared, but now they have grown with it.

I suggest that you tell your kids ok if you hear bad words don't repeat them if you do your done if you want to watch YouTube you sit with me and watch it through. This has worked if they know what the bad words are, this is a bog dream of my son to make YouTube videos to entertain he said then it hit me YouTube is like tv there are some channels that are funny like TBS some that are serious like CNN or some that are meant for kids like Cartoon Network. Just let your kids have fun and dream don't put limits on things that you don't know the outcome of. Put safe search on if your still scared. or to share your thoughts. The thing with Stampy is he started out doing lets play videos not focused on Kids at all. He definitely has said the F-word in old videos.It's too bad he hasn't deleted his old videos with swearing, but he hasn't.

Dantdm The Diamond Minecart

All his new content is kid friendly, but sometimes it's hard to tell which are new and old videos when youtube suggests the next video.Being a parent as well I know this frustration well. My Partner and I have stated up a kid friendly channel called Spacetime Adventure please search for us on YouTube, Spacetime Adventurewe work very hard at making fun kid friendly Minecraft videos.have a nice day!. or to share your thoughts.

Dantdm Minecraft Mod Showcase

All these channels are great the ones I watch on the list is PopularMMOS DanTdm aka TheDiamondMinecart and CaptainSparklez which are all AWESOME but I have some recommended channels so here we go.1. Thinknoodles- Thinknoodles should be on the list because his videos are like a TV show and the minions are awesome like Kevin! He also has Ask Thinks on Mondays every week where he asks questions and you ask him questions! This is his channel SSundee- SSundee should be on the list because his videos on his channel are Mods, The Sims 4 and of course MINECRAFT!!

Minecraft Mods 1.7.10 Dantdm

I would recommend this channel to 10+ This is SSundee's channel or to share your thoughts. What about Thinknoodles?His Minecraft series Think's Lab takes your normal everyday mod review and treats it like a TV show!

There have been a few DanTDM crossovers, and the 'show' includes characters like ThinksWife, the beloved Minions, and of course, Think himself!His other series Ask Think gives players (and children too) a chance to ask him questions. He will also ask the audience questions for them to answer.Also, he has put so much effort into keeping his videos kid-friendly that it's insane! So if you would like to try a kid-friendly channel on for size, take this guy into consideration. or to share your thoughts. Thanks for pointing that out.

Previewing the videos or watching them with your kids - just in case - is a great way to go. I also suspect that many of the Minecraft channels are seeking a wider audience - perhaps even off of YouTube as gaming becomes more mainstream and Minecraft is recognized for its educational value. Also, the channels are seeking sponsorships from companies who don't want to support the really edgy channels. Whereas Let's Plays used to be anything-goes (and many still are), several channels are making a sincere effort to clean up their acts.

or to share your thoughts. I forgot to add JeromeASF and Ssundee as both these gentlemen are great for kids to watch as well. Jerome is BajanCanadian's friend and gaming pal and is 1/3 of the 'power move squad.' Ssundee is part of Team Crafted, which also includes Jerome, BajanCanadian, Minecraft Universe and xRpMx13, the other 1/3 of the power move squad.

All are great to watch, informative and entertaining. Note of caution: xRpMx13 is fine; however, sometimes he will play with others who are not as careful with their language and subject matters. or to share your thoughts.

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