Chrome History Go To Date

If you’re a happy Google Chrome user who’s lost his happy because of a silly history deletion you made a while ago, then we have the solution for turning that frown upside down. Google Chrome is a widely used browser with extensive features and options to help you accomplish everyday tasks in no time (without crashing). One main reason people use Chrome over other browsers is its load speed – sometimes 10 times faster than others. But what really makes this a one-of-a-kind browser is the ability to hack into deleted web history.

Chrome History Plug In

Go Back to a Specific Date in Google Web History For some reason, Google Web History no longer has a way to navigate to a certain date, at least not from the UI. Fortunately, you can change a URL parameter and go to a certain date. What is the latest version of Chrome? What's the latest version of Chrome? If you already have Chrome but want to make sure that it's up to date, follow our guide which will show you how to trigger Chrome to check for updates: How to update Chrome. Downloading Chrome. Click the most recent bolded date in the calendar that comes up before the date the history was deleted in the first step. Click the restore point on the list for that date. Click the 'Next' button. Save any of your work and close any open programs. Click the 'Next' button and allow Windows to shut down and restart with the same settings before the date that the history was deleted.


If you’re looking for a way to get back some website URLs that you threw away some time ago, then it’s no biggy. There are two different ways to retrieve it: using software that will retrieve and restore the desired web pages, or a simpler method involves using the Inbuilt system restore option on your operating system. Though this might work without using any third party software, you might lose some data after all’s said and done what data? You’ll find out in these steps. Method 1: Analyzing Index.dat files with Systenance SoftwareYou might think that it’s bye-bye web history after you’ve made the deletion, but in fact it’s never gone from your computer. Microsoft stores your visited web pages, cache, URLs, documents, everything you do online in the first of index.dat files; so, there never fully wiped out.


. Chrome. Extend the Browser. Web Store Publishing and Distribution. Mobile Chrome. Chrome OS. Apps.

Native Client. Chrome APIs. Extensions APIs. Numerical methods with matlab pdf. Apps APIs. HistoryItem An object encapsulating one result of a history query. PropertiesstringidThe unique identifier for the item.string(optional)urlThe URL navigated to by a user.string(optional)titleThe title of the page when it was last loaded.double(optional)lastVisitTimeWhen this page was last loaded, represented in milliseconds since the epoch.integer(optional)visitCountThe number of times the user has navigated to this page.integer(optional)typedCountThe number of times the user has navigated to this page by typing in the address.

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