Absensi Karyawan Menggunakan Face Recognition Berbasis Web

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Absensi Karyawan Menggunakan Face Recognition Berbasis Web

Berdasarkan masalah tersebut penulis melaksanakan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk merancang dan membuat sistem absensi berbasis pengenalan wajah menggunakan metode eigenface sebagai pengganti sistem absensi kartu. ABSTRACT Face recognition is a computer technology for determining face location, face size, face detection and background image. Software Absensi SISWA V. 3 build 11 Full Edition ABSENSI SISWA WITH SMS REPORT AND FACE RECOGNITION Absensi Siswa dengan Fitur Webcam dan SMS kepada Orang Tua Sebuah Sofware Absensi Siswa cocok.

Authentication is the process of verifying one’s identity, and one of its implementation is in taking attendances in university’s lectures. Attendance taking is a very important matter to every academic institution as a way to examine students’ performance. Signature based attendance taking can be manipulated. Therefore it has problems in verifying the attendance validity. In this final project, a real time eigenface based face recognition is implemented in an application to do attendance taking. The input face image is captured using a webcam.

Absensi Karyawan Menggunakan Face Recognition Berbasis Web

Gta sa mac mods. The application itself is built in C#, utilizing EmguCV library. The application is developed using Visual Studio 2015. Face detection is done with Viola-Jones algorithm. The eigenface method is used to do facial recognition on the detected face image. In this final project, a total of 8 testings are done in different conditions. From the testings, it is found that this application can recognize face images with accuracy as high as 90% and as low as 6.67%.

This solution can be used as an alternative for real-time attendance taking in an environment with 170 lux light intensity, webcam resolution of 320 x 240 pixel, and the subject standing 1 meter away while not wearing spectacles. The average recognition time is 0.18125 ms. K., Yousaf, M.

Absensi Karyawan Menggunakan Face Recognition Berbasis Web Download


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