Black Ops 2 Raid Map

Music by Dan-O at - song: Now is Now. The map itself consists of two large bodies of land, with two smaller islands connected with bridges. The two islands are located in the far west and in the middle of the map, with both containing one named location each. Up north, the Estates feature lush residential buildings, very similar to Black Ops 2’s Raid map.

  1. Black Ops 2 Raid Maps

Black Ops 2 Raid Maps

Standoff black ops 2MapMap

Raid is probably my favorite map that I designed. Unlike some maps, it took many many iterations and complete redesigns to get it right. Each early iteration, however, contributed something interesting that made it into the final design, like the drive into the garage area and the roundabout in front. Easter eggs include my name on the mailbox (which can only be seen by flying a quadrotor out of bounds and catching a glimpse before it is destroyed) and basketballs that can be shot into the hoop in the basketball court.My responsibilities included:. Map design (gameplay). Theming/map detail.

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